Embracing Wisdom in a Diverse and Connected World


Hatched by Glasp

Sep 28, 2023

3 min read


Embracing Wisdom in a Diverse and Connected World


In a rapidly changing world where social, local, and mobile technologies have revolutionized the way we interact and seek information, it is crucial to examine how wisdom fits into this new paradigm. Two seemingly unrelated articles shed light on the importance of wisdom in our interconnected society. "5 Reasons Foursquare Is Losing The Social Local Mobile Revolution" explores the limitations of gamification in smartphone apps, while "Can’t agree what wisdom means? All the more reason to seek it" delves into the complexities of wisdom and the need for understanding in the face of diverse perspectives. By connecting these articles, we can uncover insights that highlight the significance of embracing wisdom in a diverse and connected world.

Wisdom Beyond Gamification:

Foursquare, once a prominent player in the social local mobile realm, faced challenges in scaling its gamification model. Gamification, while initially enticing, proved to be less relevant to smartphone users and generated limited revenue. Consequently, Foursquare shifted its focus towards local search and discovery, recognizing that users value recommendations from a diverse range of people. This shift mirrors the Yelp model, where the wisdom of the crowd guides users towards popular and recommended establishments. This highlights the importance of wisdom derived from shared experiences, even if they come from strangers.

Recognizing the Intersection of Wisdom and Identity:

Wisdom is often believed to transcend human differences, but the reality is that it exists within the context of diverse perspectives. The pursuit of wisdom involves navigating these differences and finding common ground. The philosopher Allan Bloom argued that education should explore what is accessible to all individuals through reason, rather than focusing on cultural relativism. This notion aligns with the current definition of wisdom, which emphasizes moral groundedness and metacognition. Wisdom requires recognizing our shared humanity while respecting and understanding cultural identities.

Wisdom in Ancient Texts and Modern Challenges:

Ancient wisdom traditions also shed light on the need to embrace diverse perspectives. Plato's account of Solon's visit to Egypt reveals that wisdom requires travel and learning from different cultures. This challenges the notion that wisdom can be solely derived from one's own tradition. By listening to diverse stories and experiences, we can uncover valuable insights and foster a sense of universal connection. The Tower of Babel story further emphasizes the importance of understanding and appreciating differences. It reminds us that diversity does not lead to relativism but rather fuels a perpetual quest for knowledge and understanding.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Embrace the diversity of wisdom: Recognize that wisdom is not confined to one's own perspective or culture. Seek out different philosophies and beliefs to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the world.
  • 2. Preserve wisdom diversity: Understand that different cultures and individuals hold unique insights that may be beneficial to others. Value and protect this diversity as you navigate the interconnected world.
  • 3. Foster cooperative behavior: To truly be wise, we must learn to communicate and cooperate across differences. Encourage equality and collaborative efforts in your personal and professional life.


In a world shaped by social, local, and mobile technologies, wisdom remains a vital element in navigating the complexities of our interconnected society. Foursquare's shift away from gamification highlights the importance of shared wisdom and diverse perspectives. Understanding the intersection of wisdom and identity allows us to appreciate the value of different cultures and beliefs. By embracing wisdom diversity and fostering cooperative behavior, we can navigate the challenges of our diverse and connected world.

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