Unleashing Tranquility and Finding True Happiness


Hatched by Glasp

Jul 21, 2023

3 min read


Unleashing Tranquility and Finding True Happiness

In a world driven by achievements and constant improvement, it's easy to feel like we're falling behind. The pressure to accomplish everything can be overwhelming, leaving us with a sense of dissatisfaction and burnout. However, there are ways to break free from this cycle and find true happiness without trying too hard.

One avenue towards happiness is through the power of pleasure. Epicurus, an ancient Greek philosopher, believed that pleasure should be our guiding principle in life. He argued that life should not be filled with drudgery and boredom, but rather with moments of pure unadulterated pleasure. By allowing ourselves to enjoy the simple pleasures in life, we can find a sense of tranquility.

However, Epicurus cautioned against indulging in pleasure without restraint. He advocated for a balanced approach, where pleasure is chosen wisely. He believed that people often act unethically due to underlying anxieties, seeking immediate gratification as a means to quell those anxieties. Instead, he proposed the concept of "ataraxia," or tranquility, which can be achieved by choosing pleasure with intention.

To apply this philosophy to our lives, we can conduct a "Pleasure Audit." By evaluating our desires and prioritizing them, we can determine which pleasures are necessary, which are extravagant, and which are corrosive. Necessary pleasures are the ones that bring us joy and fulfillment without causing harm or becoming the sole focus of our lives. Extravagant pleasures are acceptable as long as they don't overshadow the necessary ones. Corrosive desires, on the other hand, are unlimited and can lead to a never-ending pursuit of wealth, power, fame, and beauty, ultimately making us slaves to our desires.

In our pursuit of tranquility, it's crucial to focus on satisfaction rather than success. Society often equates success with happiness, but Epicurus argued that satisfaction can be attained while success remains an elusive target. By shifting our mindset and embracing the concept of "enough," we can find contentment in what we have rather than constantly striving for more.

One of the key contributors to happiness, according to Epicurus, is cultivating meaningful relationships. Modern research supports this notion, emphasizing the importance of trust and shared values in friendships. In a world dominated by social media, where status-seeking and comparison run rampant, Epicurus would urge us to prioritize real connections over virtual ones. Surrounding ourselves with loved ones who provide emotional and material support can help us navigate the challenges life throws our way.

Instead of constantly imagining worst-case scenarios, as some philosophies suggest, Epicurus believed in focusing on past, present, and future pleasures. Reflecting on past joys, savoring current ones, and anticipating future pleasure can help us find gratitude in every moment. By seeking "enough" rather than an insatiable desire for more, we can break free from the treadmill of corrosive desires and discover true happiness.

Three actionable pieces of advice to incorporate into your life:

  • 1. Conduct a Pleasure Audit: Take the time to evaluate your desires and prioritize them. Identify which pleasures are necessary for your happiness, which are extravagant but acceptable, and which are corrosive and should be avoided.
  • 2. Embrace Satisfaction over Success: Shift your focus from constantly striving for success to finding contentment in what you have. Recognize that satisfaction is attainable, whereas success is often an ever-moving target.
  • 3. Cultivate Meaningful Relationships: Invest in genuine connections with friends and loved ones who share your values and provide support. Prioritize real-life interactions over virtual ones, and find joy in the bonds you create.

In conclusion, the pursuit of happiness does not have to be an arduous journey. By embracing pleasure, choosing wisely, and finding satisfaction in what we have, we can unlock a sense of tranquility and discover true happiness. Let go of the need to accomplish everything and instead focus on enjoying the simple pleasures in life. Surround yourself with meaningful relationships and be grateful for what you have. By incorporating these principles into your life, you can find lasting happiness without really trying.

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