L5.5 Assembling the fine-structure corrections | Summary and Q&A

February 14, 2019
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L5.5 Assembling the fine-structure corrections


The fine structure of the hydrogen atom depends only on the total angular momentum quantum number, j.

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Key Insights

  • 🫀 Perturbation theory and the proper choice of basis are important in calculating the fine structure of the hydrogen atom.
  • 🫤 The spin-orbit coupling vanishes for l equals 0, but in the limit of l going to 0, it gives the same result as the Darwin term.
  • 🫀 The fine structure of the hydrogen atom depends only on the total angular momentum quantum number, j.
  • 😃 The function that determines the fine structure, f(jl), is the same for l equals j minus 1/2 or l equals j plus 1/2.
  • 🙂 The fine structure corrections cause all energy levels to decrease slightly, with higher l values being lowered less.
  • 😃 The j multiplets, consisting of states with the same j but different l values, remain degenerate.
  • 🖐️ The fine structure plays a crucial role in the study of Zeeman splitting and Stark splitting in the hydrogen atom.


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Questions & Answers

Q: How does the spin-orbit coupling differ for different values of l in the hydrogen atom?

The spin-orbit coupling has no effect for l equals 0, but for l different from 0, it combines with the relativistic term to give the overall fine structure of the atom.

Q: What does it mean that the l dependence in the fine structure is fake?

The dependence of the fine structure on the orbital angular momentum, l, is actually the same for l equals j minus 1/2 or l equals j plus 1/2. This means that the fine structure only depends on the total angular momentum, j.

Q: How does the fine structure affect the energy levels of the hydrogen atom?

The fine structure corrections cause all the energy levels to decrease slightly, with higher l values being lowered less than lower l values. The j multiplets with the same j value remain degenerate.

Q: Why is the study of the fine structure important in the context of the hydrogen atom?

The fine structure allows for the study of phenomena such as Zeeman splitting and Stark splitting, which arise due to external magnetic or electric fields respectively. Understanding the fine structure is crucial in explaining and predicting these effects.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Perturbation theory and working with the correct basis are important in calculating the fine structure of the hydrogen atom.

  • The spin-orbit coupling vanishes for l equals 0, but in the limit of l going to 0, it gives the same result as the Darwin term.

  • Given a fixed j value, the function that determines the fine structure is the same for l equals j minus 1/2 or l equals j plus 1/2.

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