The Evolution and Success of Subcultures: Insights from Geeks, MOPs, and Figma


Hatched by Kazuki

Sep 29, 2023

4 min read


The Evolution and Success of Subcultures: Insights from Geeks, MOPs, and Figma


Subcultures are born out of scenes where creators invent exciting new things, whether it's in music, religion, film, or politics. These scenes attract different groups of individuals, including geeks, MOPs (fans), and sociopaths. The dynamics between these groups play a crucial role in the evolution and success of subcultures. In a similar vein, the design tool Figma has achieved significant success by understanding the importance of collaboration and aligning its product with the needs of both designers and non-designers. In this article, we will explore the commonalities between these insights and uncover actionable advice for creators and entrepreneurs.

The Role of Geeks, MOPs, and Sociopaths in Subculture Evolution:

Before a subculture emerges, there is a scene where creators introduce a new and exciting concept. At this stage, geeks are deeply invested in the details of the new thing and seek to discuss it passionately. On the other hand, MOPs are fans who enjoy the experience without delving into the intricacies. They relate to each other in more "normal" ways, which can sometimes clash with the geeks' obsession. However, the MOPs contribute by generating social capital through their network of relationships. Sociopaths, often charismatic individuals, quickly befriend the creators and extract cultural capital, such as coolness and influence. They may even contribute creatively but primarily focus on exploiting the subculture for personal gain.

Creating Barriers to Entry and the Role of Sociopaths:

Successful subcultures tend to create barriers to entry, excluding those who are not committed or genuine. This is essential to maintain the energy and passion within the community. However, a balance must be struck, as too many MOPs can attract sociopaths who manipulate the subculture for their benefit. By limiting the number of MOPs, creators can ward off sociopaths and protect the integrity of the subculture.

Learning from Sociopaths and Being "Slightly Evil":

While sociopaths can pose a threat to subcultures, geeks can also learn from them to capture more value and protect their creations. By understanding and utilizing some of the sociopaths' tricks, geeks can assert more control over their subculture, ensuring that it thrives and remains true to its original purpose. This strategy allows geeks to capture the value they create and effectively eject true sociopaths who may exploit the subculture.

The Success of Figma: A Tool for Collaboration:

Figma, a design tool, has experienced significant success by recognizing the importance of collaboration in the design process. Unlike other tools, Figma's browser-first approach allows for seamless editing and real-time collaboration. This focus on collaboration has become increasingly crucial as it has become easier and more cost-effective to collaborate. Figma's product aligns with the needs of both designers and non-designers, making it a valuable tool for teams rather than just individual designers.

The Power of Alignment and Progress:

Figma's success can be attributed to its alignment between its product and its core distribution loop. By architecting a browser-first approach and leveraging new technologies like WebGL and CRDTs, Figma has created a product that truly caters to the needs of designers and non-designers alike. Additionally, Figma's introduction of plugins further enhances collaboration by allowing collective progress to be accessible to all users. The potential for Figma to become a platform indicates its ability to push progress in design as a discipline.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Embrace collaboration: Recognize the importance of collaboration in any creative endeavor. Create tools and systems that facilitate seamless collaboration between individuals, whether they are designers, developers, or enthusiasts.
  • 2. Set boundaries: Establish barriers to entry to maintain the integrity of your subculture. Limit the number of casual fans (MOPs) to prevent the infiltration of individuals seeking personal gain at the expense of the community.
  • 3. Learn from others: While it is crucial to protect the subculture from sociopaths, there is value in understanding their tactics. By learning from them, creators can assert more control over their subculture and capture the value they create.


The evolution and success of subcultures, as well as the growth of products like Figma, are deeply intertwined with the dynamics between geeks, MOPs, and sociopaths. By understanding these dynamics and taking actionable steps, creators and entrepreneurs can build thriving communities and products that cater to the needs of both enthusiasts and collaborators. Embracing collaboration, setting boundaries, and learning from others are key strategies to ensure the long-term success and sustainability of subcultures and creative endeavors.

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