Designing a better thinking-writing medium: The Power of Writing and Highlighting


Hatched by Kazuki

Sep 25, 2023

3 min read


Designing a better thinking-writing medium: The Power of Writing and Highlighting


Writing is not just a means of recording our thoughts; it is a medium through which we can think more consciously. By modeling our ideas about the world in words, we can improve our thinking process and gain clearer insights. Our brains excel at thinking in the present moment, but writing allows us to think across time, helping us explore ideas and make connections that we might not have otherwise discovered. In this article, we will explore the power of writing as a thinking tool and delve into the potential of highlighting as a learning strategy.

The Power of Writing:

When we take notes or engage in writing, we create a tangible representation of our thoughts. By putting our ideas onto paper, we can hold onto them even when they are not at the forefront of our minds. Writing allows us to lay out multiple ideas, rearrange them, and connect them in a way that sparks new insights. It opens up a room for our thoughts, freeing up mental space and enabling us to explore and expand upon our ideas. As Richard Feynman once said, "Writing is a tool that helps you think."

Designing a Thinking-Writing Medium:

To create a tool that aids both our thinking process and the expression of our ideas, we need to go beyond mere efficiency. Chris Granger suggests that tools make existing workflows more efficient, while mediums provide new agency or power. Therefore, a thinking-writing medium should empower us to do something we couldn't do before.

Highlighting as a Learning Strategy:

While highlighting has been a popular method for studying texts, it may not always be effective. Students often focus more on sorting and highlighting content rather than critically engaging with it. This can lead to illusions of competence, where one feels they know more than they actually do. However, highlighting can still be valuable if used strategically.

Effective Reading Strategies:

Instead of relying solely on highlighting, there are several strategies that can enhance our understanding of the text:

1. Preview the Text:

Before diving into a reading, set a purpose for yourself. Understand what you hope to gain from the text and what specific information you are seeking.

2. Annotate:

As you read, take brief notes in your own words. Highlight key concepts and keywords in the margins. This active engagement with the text helps in deepening your understanding.

3. Ask and Answer Questions:

Transform headings or subheadings into questions and then answer them as you read. This approach encourages critical thinking and helps you actively process the content.

4. Summarize:

Stop after every paragraph or page and summarize the main concepts in your own words. This exercise reinforces your understanding and helps you retain the information better.

The Potential of Online Reading and Highlighting:

In the age of digital reading, we have additional tools at our disposal. Online platforms often offer features that allow us to highlight and save content, making it easier to revisit and connect ideas. Unlike physical highlighting, online highlighting enables us to search for previous highlights and make serendipitous connections. Additionally, with social highlighting, we can engage in a collective learning experience by connecting our own insights with those of others. It is an exciting development that enhances the power of highlighting as a learning strategy.


Writing and highlighting are valuable tools for improving our thinking process and deepening our understanding. By designing a thinking-writing medium, we can harness the power of both these practices. To make the most of our reading and writing experiences, we should incorporate effective strategies such as previewing, annotating, questioning, and summarizing. These actionable advice will not only enhance our learning but also help us become more proficient thinkers and writers. So, let's embrace the potential of writing and highlighting as we continue our journey towards better thinking and expression.

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