The Paradoxical Path to Success and Domination


Hatched by Kazuki

Aug 26, 2023

4 min read


The Paradoxical Path to Success and Domination


In the pursuit of success and domination, we often find ourselves confronted with paradoxical situations. This article explores the concepts of the Hierarchy of Marketplaces and the counterintuitive nature of achieving success, drawing connections between them and providing actionable advice.

Hierarchy of Marketplaces - Level 3:

The Hierarchy of Marketplaces presents an important insight - being number one is not enough; it's about being number one by a significant margin. Level 3 signifies the stage where organic growth is increasing, and competitors are being outrun. To reach this level, there are three essential steps to follow.

1. Outrunning and dominating your original market:

To achieve Level 3, it is crucial to establish yourself as the clear leader in your original market or category. This means going beyond just being number one and aiming for a wide margin of superiority. This dominance serves as a strong foundation for further expansion.

2. Expanding beyond your thimble:

Once you have established dominance in your original market, it's time to broaden your buyer use cases. However, this expansion should be done in a way that aligns with your brand and mission. By solving for a broader range of buyer needs, you can tap into new opportunities and cater to a larger customer base.

3. Pursuing multi-threaded domination:

With the playbooks honed in Level 1 and 2, it's time to pursue multi-threaded domination of the market. This involves applying the strategies and tactics that have worked in specific markets to new verticals or geographies. By leveraging your existing expertise, you can achieve greater market penetration and solidify your position as a dominant player.

The Paradox of Success:

The idea that the best things in life are all backwards is a paradox that applies to various aspects of life, including the pursuit of success. Drown-proofing, a technique used in the military, provides valuable insights into the paradoxical nature of success.

1. Letting go of control:

The first lesson of drown-proofing is to let go of control. Paradoxically, the more one struggles to stay afloat, the more likely they are to sink. By releasing the need for control and allowing oneself to sink, they can find the momentum to propel them back to the surface. Similarly, in the pursuit of success, sometimes letting go of control and embracing uncertainty can lead to unexpected breakthroughs.

2. Emotional self-control:

Drown-proofing also tests one's emotional self-control. Panicking in a dangerous situation can lead to oxygen depletion and potential failure. Similarly, in the pursuit of success, maintaining emotional composure is essential. Most activities in life are complex and require adaptation. The ability to remain calm in the face of adversity is a crucial skill that can lead to better decision-making and ultimately, success.

The Inverted Curve of Effort and Reward:

Effort and reward do not always follow a linear correlation. The inverted curve demonstrates that in certain situations, the more effort we put into something, the more likely we are to fail.

1. Psychological activities and paradox:

When activities become purely psychological, such as creating a state of mind, the relationship between effort and reward becomes inverted. Conscious efforts to achieve a state of mind often result in the opposite outcome. Aldous Huxley's quote highlights the paradoxical nature of our psychology - the harder we try, the less we succeed. This paradoxical art of doing and not doing can be applied to various aspects of life, including striving for success.

2. Letting go of desires:

To achieve success, it is essential to let go of the desire for meaning, freedom, and happiness. Paradoxically, chasing these desires often moves them further away. By giving up what we desire and focusing on the present moment, we can create the conditions for success to naturally unfold.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Embrace uncertainty and let go of control: In the pursuit of success, it is essential to embrace uncertainty and let go of the need for control. By relinquishing control, you open yourself up to new possibilities and unexpected breakthroughs.
  • 2. Cultivate emotional self-control: Practice emotional self-control in challenging situations. By remaining calm and composed, you can make better decisions and navigate through obstacles more effectively.
  • 3. Focus on the present moment and let go of desires: Instead of chasing external desires, focus on the present moment and let go of attachments. By cultivating a sense of contentment and mindfulness, you create the conditions for success to naturally arise.


The journey to success and domination often defies conventional wisdom. By understanding the Hierarchy of Marketplaces and embracing the paradoxical nature of success, we can navigate through challenges and achieve our goals. Embracing uncertainty, cultivating emotional self-control, and letting go of desires are actionable steps that can propel us towards success. Remember, sometimes the best path to success is to let go and trust in the process.

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