What I've Learned from Users: Imitate, then Innovate


Hatched by Glasp

Sep 25, 2023

4 min read


What I've Learned from Users: Imitate, then Innovate


In the world of startups, understanding users is crucial. It tests our ability to pay attention to their needs and determine the importance of our product. Surprisingly, most startups face similar problems, regardless of what they are creating. However, founders often struggle to identify their own problems and prioritize them correctly. Additionally, founders tend to dismiss advice because the counterintuitive nature of startup success often sounds wrong to them. Nonetheless, focus is essential for early-stage startups, as they have limited resources and numerous challenges to tackle. This is where programs like Y Combinator (YC) come in, helping founders improve their focus and providing them with valuable insights and colleagues.

Finding Common Problems:

No two startups are exactly the same, but they often face similar challenges. It is fascinating how these problems persist across different industries. However, founders are not always aware of their own issues. Sometimes, during conversations about one problem, a much bigger one is uncovered. It is not that founders do not listen, but rather they struggle to recognize the relative importance of their problems. Often, they do not believe the advice given to them because it goes against their intuition. Only experience can teach them otherwise.

The Role of Y Combinator (YC):

YC plays a significant role in helping founders overcome their challenges. It is not just about experienced founders passing on their knowledge; it is more like specialization than apprenticeship. YC provides founders with valuable advice, but the presence of colleagues is equally important. The opportunity to collaborate with like-minded individuals who understand the startup journey can be invaluable. YC itself was designed to cater to the needs of founders, making it a supportive community.

Imitate, then Innovate:

In the pursuit of improving any skill, imitation is key. It may seem counterintuitive, but imitating others allows us to discover our unique style faster. Conan O'Brien once said, "It is our failure to become our perceived ideal that ultimately defines us and makes us unique." This idea resonates with the concept of imitating before innovating. George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, aligned his story with classical motifs to enhance his artistic originality. By imitating Joseph Campbell's work, Lucas discovered recurring themes and incorporated them into his own creation.

The Misunderstanding of Inspiration:

Many individuals misunderstand inspiration. Some avoid studying the work of others out of fear of tainting their own ideas with external influence. In the pursuit of originality, they overlook the value of learning from those who came before them. However, the most significant breakthroughs often stem from standing on the shoulders of giants. Albert Einstein's invention of general relativity was made possible by studying classical physicists' ideas. Musicians also spend hours practicing scales to learn from those they admire.

Fetishizing Originality:

The fetishization of originality is another problem. In academia, students study those who came before them to do something different. This mindset contributes to the aversion towards imitation and the belief that being original is the ultimate goal. However, true originality comes from focusing on doing a good job or telling the truth. Charles Dickens once said, "Make me see." By observing what is already on the table, we can gain insights and create something truly unique.

The Importance of Imitation:

Imitation is not about becoming a carbon copy of someone else. It is about discovering our own creative personalities by understanding our taste and natural inclinations. Writers often refer to finding their "voice," which is the culmination of imitating and learning from others. However, imitations that transcend domains can be equally valuable. Sigmund Freud's famous work, "Interpretation of Dreams," pulled heavily from the ideas of Nietzsche. Both skills, writing and sketching, require keen observation and attention to detail.

Balance Between Imitation and Innovation:

Imitation does not mean abandoning our individuality or creativity. It is about building upon existing knowledge to create something new when necessary. Patrick Collison, the co-founder of Stripe, emphasizes the importance of taking the standard route and learning from established practices. However, this does not mean innovation is discouraged. Stripe's success stems from a combination of imitating best practices and innovating when needed.


In the world of startups and skill development, imitation is a powerful tool. Understanding the common problems faced by startups and imitating successful approaches can lead to better outcomes. Y Combinator provides founders with the necessary focus, advice, and a supportive community. Similarly, in creative pursuits, imitating others helps us discover our unique style and strengths. It is important to strike a balance between imitation and innovation, as both can contribute to success.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Pay attention to the problems faced by other startups in your industry. Immerse yourself in their experiences to gain insights into potential challenges you may face.
  • 2. Seek advice from experienced individuals and listen with an open mind. Just because advice seems counterintuitive does not mean it is wrong. Consider the experiences of others and evaluate how their insights might apply to your situation.
  • 3. Embrace the power of imitation to improve your skills. Study the work of those you admire and incorporate their techniques into your own practice. By imitating before innovating, you can discover your unique style and strengths.

Remember, success often stems from a combination of imitation and innovation. Embrace the wisdom of those who came before you while adding your own creative touch.

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