"Why We Created the Yelp Elite Squad: The Power of Community and Belonging"


Hatched by Glasp

Aug 03, 2023

3 min read


"Why We Created the Yelp Elite Squad: The Power of Community and Belonging"

In the early days of Yelp, the founders faced a common question: "Why would I ever want to write a review?" This challenge led them to explore how they could build a foundation of real and authentic reviews without paying people to write them. They understood that to create a thriving community, they needed to establish a shared sense of identity among Yelp users.

To accomplish this, Yelp identified the heavy influencers in San Francisco, aiming to be inclusive rather than exclusive. They organized parties at unique venues, inviting these influencers to connect and share their opinions. This live and interactive version of Yelp's community became a powerful force behind local content. By bringing humanity to the platform, Yelp fostered a sense of belonging and purpose that went beyond mere quantifiable metrics.

As Yelp evolved, it began to embrace the concept of a lifestyle brand. Rather than settling for boring promotional items, they sought to create a sense of exclusivity and charm. This approach allowed Yelp to differentiate itself from other startups and further solidify its position as a semi-secret, semi-charmed club.

Now, let's shift gears and explore the science of forgetting and why we're already losing our pandemic memories. According to cognitive psychology researchers, forgetting is the default state of our brains. Our memories go through three phases: encoding, consolidation, and retrieval. New information is encoded in the hippocampus and other memory centers, but much of it is lost unless it undergoes memory consolidation during sleep.

The hippocampus acts as an index for memory retrieval, similar to a Google search. When we recall memories, the neurons associated with those memories are reactivated in both the hippocampus and the cortex. However, our memories are not precise replicas of past events. They are influenced by our life stories and personal experiences. The more memories we accumulate, the harder it becomes to capture and recall every detail.

Additionally, new events interfere with the memories of older events. Our brains prioritize salient and emotional experiences, making them easier to remember. However, uniform events are more challenging to recall because they blend together into a single memory. This phenomenon may result in unclear memories of specific periods, such as the years during the pandemic.

Interestingly, as a society, many individuals may not want to hold onto their memories of the pandemic. We tend to view the future more positively than the past, as the future offers various possibilities while the past is fixed. Our current emotions, knowledge, and attitudes shape how we remember the past. This bias towards future-oriented positivity may influence how we reflect on the pandemic and approach the future.

When it comes to preserving memories, history plays a crucial role. Autobiographical memories become part of history when they are transformed and integrated into the collective narrative. However, without cultural artifacts like books, movies, and museums, memories can fade away, consigned to the dustbin of history.

In conclusion, building a strong community requires a shared sense of identity, belonging, and purpose. Yelp accomplished this by engaging influencers and creating a lifestyle brand. On the other hand, our memories are inherently prone to forgetting, and the pandemic memories we are currently experiencing may fade over time. To combat this, it is essential to preserve our experiences through cultural artifacts and storytelling.

Actionable advice:

  • 1. Foster a sense of community and belonging within your organization or brand. Encourage interaction and create opportunities for individuals to connect and share their opinions.
  • 2. Prioritize the preservation of memories by documenting experiences through various mediums such as writing, photography, or videos. Create a tangible record that can withstand the test of time.
  • 3. Embrace the power of storytelling to ensure that memories are passed down through generations. Share personal experiences and make them relatable to create a lasting impact.

By understanding the importance of community and memory preservation, we can create a more connected and meaningful future.

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