The Inevitable Future of Technology and the Traits of a Great Product Manager


Hatched by Glasp

Aug 20, 2023

4 min read


The Inevitable Future of Technology and the Traits of a Great Product Manager


In a world shaped by technological forces, it is important to understand the changes that lie ahead and how they will impact our lives. Kevin Kelly's book, "The Inevitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future," provides valuable insights into these forces and their implications. At the same time, aspiring product managers must navigate their own path to success, considering core competencies, emotional intelligence (EQ), and company fit. By examining common points between these two topics, we can gain a better understanding of both the future of technology and what it takes to become a great product manager.

1. The Inevitable Technological Forces:

Kelly's book highlights 12 technological forces that will shape our future. These forces include Becoming, Cognifying, Flowing, Screening, Accessing, Sharing, Filtering, Remixing, Interacting, Tracking, Questioning, and Beginning. While each force has its own unique characteristics, they share a common thread of technological advancements driving change and shaping our lives. It is important to embrace these forces rather than resist them, as banning the inevitable tends to backfire.

2. The Importance of the Scientific Method:

One of the greatest inventions in the past 200 years is not a specific gadget or tool but the invention of the scientific process itself. The scientific method allows us to discover new things and create amazing inventions. However, the cycle of obsolescence is accelerating, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to master anything before it becomes displaced. This phenomenon, known as the Red Queen Effect, emphasizes the need for continuous learning and adaptation.

3. The Power of Connectivity:

In a world where everything is connected, the concept of protopia emerges. Protopia is a state of becoming, where things are slightly better today than they were yesterday. The idea of connecting every document to another and making those connections visible and permanent resonates with Socrates's quote, "I know that I know nothing." We learn from others, passing knowledge along through documents and creating a chain of connected information.

4. The Shift to the Third Age of Computation:

As technology evolves, the way we interact with it also changes. We are transitioning into the third age of computation, where pages and browsers are less important than flows and streams. Tagging, liking, and favoriting moments in these streams become the foundational units of this digital regime. Copies become worthless when they are superabundant, and the value shifts towards things that cannot be copied, such as trust. Generative qualities that add value to free copies can be sold, and what counts is not the number of copies but the number of ways they can be linked, manipulated, and engaged with.

5. The Social Aspect of Reading and Curating:

With the advent of screens, reading becomes a social activity. We can share not only the titles of books we are reading but also our reactions and notes as we read them. The ability to subscribe to others' marginalia feeds and filter popular highlights opens up new ways of reading and engaging with books. Over time, scholars and fans, aided by computational algorithms, will connect the books of the world into a single networked literature. This shift creates opportunities for readers to curate collections and earn prestige for their curation skills in the emerging Curator Economy.

6. The Future of Attention and Information Consumption:

In an information-rich world, attention becomes the last scarcity. The wealth of information consumes the attention of its recipients, creating a poverty of attention. Wherever attention flows, money follows. Therefore, understanding how to capture and retain attention becomes crucial in a world where information is abundant. The ability to cut through the noise and deliver valuable content will be highly sought after.

7. Traits of a Great Product Manager:

Becoming a great product manager requires a combination of core competencies, emotional intelligence (EQ), and company fit. Core competencies include conducting customer interviews, user testing, and market assessments. Emotional intelligence involves empathizing with customers, managing relationships, and maintaining self-awareness and self-management. Company fit is essential, as different companies have varying philosophies about the role of product managers and the level of technical skill required.

8. Company Fit and the Role of a Product Manager:

The type of product, the stage of the company, and the relationship between the founder/CEO/CTO and the product manager all influence the role and responsibilities of a product manager. Different companies have different expectations and approaches, such as PMs driving engineering, engineering driving product, or a strong partnership between PMs and engineering. Understanding the company's philosophy and aligning with its goals is crucial for success.


As we embrace the inevitable technological forces shaping our future, it is important to develop the core competencies and emotional intelligence necessary to thrive as a product manager. Understanding company fit and aligning with the company's goals and philosophies will further enhance success. Three actionable advice for aspiring product managers are:

  • 1. Continuously learn and adapt to stay ahead of the Red Queen Effect.
  • 2. Embrace the social aspect of reading and engage with others' marginalia.
  • 3. Understand the importance of attention management and deliver valuable content in an information-rich world.

By combining our understanding of the future of technology and the traits of a great product manager, we can navigate the ever-changing landscape and contribute to the advancement of society and technology.

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