Curation and Collaboration: Navigating the New World of Information Abundance


Hatched by Glasp

Aug 02, 2023

3 min read


Curation and Collaboration: Navigating the New World of Information Abundance

In a world where information is abundant, content curation has emerged as a new form of authorship. Just like curators in the art world, online curators gather and organize content based on their unique point of view and cultural significance. However, as the digital landscape evolves, we must also adapt our methods of archiving to preserve the full dimension, context, and cultural significance of these information nodes.

One example of successful content curation is Maria Popova's Twitter feed. Initially created as an extension of her existing readership, it soon took on a life of its own and became the number-one driver for new readers. This highlights the fact that curation can have a life of its own and can help direct attention to destinations that promote concentration and immersion.

While traditional media fought against the scarcity of information, new media faces the challenge of overabundance. However, these new tools also allow us to discover the most relevant, interesting, and impactful information, across various mediums, and connect it in a networked ecosystem of meaning. Twitter, in particular, plays a significant role in this process. It constantly evolves and allows individuals to express themselves and gather like-minded people.

One interesting aspect of content curation is that it is a form of creative labor in itself. However, our current models for crediting this labor are inadequate. Finding a way to acknowledge and codify content curation and information discovery as a form of creative labor is the next frontier in how we think about intellectual property in the information age.

Moving beyond content curation, another challenge that arises in the realm of information sharing is the ability to connect with others who share similar interests. While social platforms can offer better opportunities, existing services often have the advantage of established connections among individuals. This poses a network problem for new platforms.

One solution to this issue is the use of tags. By allowing users to search for public content highlighted by others using tags, it becomes easier to find resources stored by others and discover individuals to follow. This eliminates the need for negotiating collaboration and simplifies the process of creating a personal social network.

In conclusion, the world of information abundance has given rise to content curation as a new form of authorship. The evolving landscape of digital platforms, such as Twitter, allows for the discovery of relevant and impactful information, while also fostering connections among like-minded individuals. However, it is essential to acknowledge and credit the creative labor involved in content curation. Additionally, the ability to connect with others who share similar interests remains a challenge, but the use of tags can facilitate the process of finding and following individuals. As we navigate this new world of information abundance, it is crucial to adapt and embrace these changes in order to fully harness the power of collaboration and curation.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Embrace content curation as a form of creative labor and seek ways to acknowledge and credit the individuals involved in this process.
  • 2. Explore the evolving landscape of digital platforms, such as Twitter, to discover relevant and impactful information in various mediums.
  • 3. Utilize tags to find and connect with like-minded individuals, simplifying the process of creating a personal social network based on shared interests.

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