The Power of Expression: Connecting the Internet, the Press, and Product Management


Hatched by Glasp

Aug 11, 2023

3 min read


The Power of Expression: Connecting the Internet, the Press, and Product Management


The Internet has revolutionized the way people express themselves, giving rise to a new force in society known as the Fifth Estate. This force, alongside the traditional power structures, holds everyone accountable and amplifies voices like never before. In this article, we will explore the connection between the Internet, the press, and product management, uncovering common points and unique insights.

The Fourth Estate and the European Context:

The concept of the Fourth Estate, referring to the press as an independent force holding the government accountable, was not limited to American society. In Europe, the Fourth Estate was also seen as vital. Edmund Burke famously remarked on the importance of the reporters in the Parliament, highlighting their significance. The European reading of the Fourth Estate aligns with the American one, emphasizing the press's role in maintaining transparency and accountability.

The Printing Press and Language Standardization:

The advent of the printing press brought about significant changes in Europe. While the Catholic Church maintained control over information dissemination, the printing press enabled individuals like Martin Luther to spread their beliefs on a larger scale. The printing press was a capital expense, and to maximize profits, books were printed in the most widely used dialect of a language. This practice incentivized people to adopt the standardized language, leading to language consolidation across Europe.

The Shift in Power: From the Church to the Monarchy:

The printing press not only impacted language but also led to a shift in power dynamics. The First Estate, traditionally associated with the clergy, gradually became the national monarchy. The nobility, epitomized by figures like Edmund Burke, gained prominence as a new kind of meritocratic class. Just as the Catholic Church controlled information to maintain its primacy, the modern meritocracy incorporated the press into a broader national consensus.

The Internet Threatening the Media-Advertising-Industrial Complex:

The rise of the Internet threatened every aspect of the media-advertising-industrial complex. Traditional TV advertisers, built for mass markets and brick-and-mortar retailers, struggled to adapt to the digital age. The Internet's ability to reach anyone, anywhere, increased supply and shifted economic power to aggregators. The reduction in fixed costs further disrupted the industry, allowing individuals to express themselves at scale.

The Internet and Political Influence:

The Internet's impact on politics cannot be understated. Political campaigns heavily relied on TV advertising to reach voters at scale. Platforms like Facebook, with their power over what users see, became potent political forces. Successful politicians in the digital age are those who tell voters what they want to hear, leveraging the aggregated world to their advantage. However, concerns about misinformation and division through trolls and foreign entities remain.

The Rise of Alternative Internets:

While the Western world has dominated the internet landscape, China is building its own internet with different values. As China exports its vision of the internet, countries outside its influence are challenged to define their own internet identities. The U.S. and the West, with their commitment to free expression, face the challenge of competing with an authoritarian regime that prioritizes control and surveillance.

Product Management Lessons:

Drawing from the world of product management, there are valuable lessons to be learned. These lessons include separating problems from solutions, adapting to real-life situations, prioritizing team dynamics, continuous learning and improvement, effective communication, finding joy in the job, consistency over intensity, and avoiding perfectionism.


The power of expression through the Internet has transformed society, creating a Fifth Estate that holds traditional power structures accountable. The Internet's influence on the press, political landscape, and product management highlights the interconnectedness of these realms. As we navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by the digital age, three actionable advice emerge: prioritize effective communication, embrace continuous learning, and foster a culture of collaboration and adaptability. By doing so, we can harness the power of expression for positive change in our ever-evolving world.

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