"The Social Token Paradox and the Death of the Newsfeed: Navigating the Changing Landscape of Web3"


Hatched by Glasp

Aug 13, 2023

3 min read


"The Social Token Paradox and the Death of the Newsfeed: Navigating the Changing Landscape of Web3"


In the ever-evolving realm of Web3, traditional status symbols are being challenged. The rise of social tokens and the changing dynamics of online communities are reshaping how we perceive wealth and influence. At the same time, the death of the newsfeed and the overload of information on social media platforms are forcing us to reconsider the way we interact and share content. In this article, we will explore the Social Token Paradox and the concept of Dunbar's number, and discuss how these phenomena are shaping the future of online interactions.

The Social Token Paradox:

The Social Token Paradox refers to the notion that as social tokens gain popularity and increase in value, tokenized communities are incentivized to uphold exclusivity. The primary goal becomes increasing the token price, which can be achieved by either raising the token's value or limiting the number of tokens available to prospective members. This paradox raises questions about the democratization of access to capital and the potential impact on on-chain reputation.

The Death of the Newsfeed:

The death of the newsfeed can be attributed to Dunbar's number and Zuckerberg's law. Dunbar's number suggests that we can only maintain meaningful relationships with a limited number of individuals, while Zuckerberg's law implies that people tend to share more and more on social media over time. This combination leads to information overload, as the asymmetric feed on social media platforms encourages frequent posting and the sharing of less important content. The tragedy of the commons emerges as the desire to post clashes with the overwhelming volume of content, resulting in a diluted and less engaging user experience.

The Impact on Online Interactions:

As the newsfeed becomes less effective in delivering relevant content, platforms like Facebook face the challenge of catering to individual preferences while still considering the needs and interests of friends and connections. Google's success in providing tailored search results based on explicit user preferences contrasts with the difficulty Facebook faces in striking the right balance. The need to determine what content should be shown and who should make those decisions raises important questions about algorithmic weighting and the role of personalization in social media.

Navigating the Changing Landscape:

To navigate the changing landscape of Web3 and address the challenges posed by the Social Token Paradox and the death of the newsfeed, individuals and platforms can consider the following actionable advice:

  • 1. Embrace Diversity and Inclusivity: Tokenized communities should strive to strike a balance between exclusivity and openness. By welcoming a diverse range of members, communities can foster a richer online history and create a more desirable environment for future participants.
  • 2. Prioritize User Control: Platforms need to empower users with greater control over their feeds. Customization options that allow individuals to curate their own content and determine what they want to see can enhance the overall user experience and reduce overload.
  • 3. Foster Meaningful Connections: Instead of focusing solely on token price and exclusivity, tokenized communities should prioritize building meaningful connections and fostering genuine interactions. By shifting the focus from financial gain to the value of community engagement, these communities can create a more sustainable and fulfilling environment.


The intersection of the Social Token Paradox and the death of the newsfeed presents both challenges and opportunities for the future of Web3. By reimagining the concept of status and wealth in online communities and addressing the overload of information on social media platforms, we can create a more inclusive, engaging, and personalized online experience. Embracing diversity, prioritizing user control, and fostering meaningful connections are crucial steps towards navigating this changing landscape and shaping the future of Web3.

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