Becoming Who You Are: Why Don’t Most People Reach Their Potential?


Hatched by Glasp

Sep 09, 2023

4 min read


Becoming Who You Are: Why Don’t Most People Reach Their Potential?

In our quest to reach our full potential, we must first understand the two states of being: surviving and thriving. Survival is essential for evolution, but it is not enough. To truly thrive, we must go beyond meeting our basic needs and tap into our deeper desires to make something meaningful of ourselves.

As human beings, we have an innate need to satisfy the requirements of survival. However, we also possess a burning desire to go beyond mere survival and create something extraordinary. This drive to make a mark on the world and live up to our true selves is what propels us towards our potential.

To truly understand why most people fail to reach their potential, we must acknowledge the complexity of the modern world we live in. Our lives have shifted from managing the physical realm of the body to navigating the emotional realm of consciousness. We are bombarded with information from media devices, much of it false or useless. This overwhelming influx of information can make it challenging to focus on what truly matters.

Differentiation and integration play a crucial role in reaching our potential. Differentiation involves discovering our individual values, while integration is the process of incorporating those values into our daily lives. Many individuals lack differentiation because they have not exposed themselves to the complexities of the world. On the other hand, some people are differentiated but struggle with integration, finding it difficult to make their values cohere.

In today's world, the only person who can consistently look out for our best interests is the person we see in the mirror. However, one of the greatest advantages of the modern era is the democratization of information. Through the internet and libraries, we have access to an abundance of knowledge. The answers we seek are already out there, waiting for us to take the initiative to find them and have the courage to incorporate them into our lives.

Now, let's shift our focus to an innovative company called Whatnot. This livestreaming platform has garnered attention and recently raised $20M in funding. Initially starting with categories like pins and Pokémon cards, Whatnot has created a live shopping platform reminiscent of a TV shopping network.

What makes Whatnot unique is that it allows individuals to sell their collectibles to an audience of fellow collectors through livestreaming. However, one limitation they faced was that many livestreams were happening on Instagram Live, which was not designed for bidding or handling payments after a sale.

One popular type of livestream on Whatnot is the "card break." In this scenario, users pool their money to purchase an entire box of trading card packs, often those that are no longer in production and can be quite expensive. Each user is assigned a number corresponding to a pack within the box. The packs are then opened on the livestream, and the contents are sent to the lucky owner of each pack's number.

The success of Whatnot highlights the power of livestreaming and its ability to create a sense of community among collectors. It also demonstrates the importance of finding innovative solutions to existing limitations in order to thrive in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

To conclude, reaching our potential requires a deep understanding of ourselves and the world around us. We must differentiate ourselves by discovering our values and integrate those values into our daily lives. The abundance of information available to us is a gift, but only if we learn to harness its potential. To unlock our true potential, we must take the initiative to seek knowledge and have the courage to incorporate it into our lives.

Three actionable pieces of advice to help you on your journey towards reaching your potential:

  • 1. Embrace complexity: Expose yourself to the complexities of the world and challenge your preconceived notions. Seek out diverse perspectives and experiences to broaden your understanding and enhance your differentiation.
  • 2. Seek knowledge: Take advantage of the abundance of information available to you. Utilize resources like the internet and libraries to expand your knowledge and gain insights that can help you integrate your values into your daily life.
  • 3. Build a supportive community: Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who support and inspire you. Engage in communities that share your passions and values, as they can provide valuable guidance and encouragement on your journey towards reaching your potential.

By incorporating these actionable steps into your life, you can begin to unlock your true potential and become the person you are meant to be.

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