The Paradoxical Nature of Success: Embracing Inverted Curves and 1-1 Learning


Hatched by Glasp

Aug 09, 2023

3 min read


The Paradoxical Nature of Success: Embracing Inverted Curves and 1-1 Learning


Success is often associated with hard work and effort, but what if the best things in life are all backwards? This article explores the paradoxical relationship between effort and reward in various aspects of life. From the counterintuitive lessons of drown-proofing to the inverted curves of productivity and friendships, we uncover the power of surrendering control and embracing the unconventional. Additionally, we delve into the effectiveness of 1-1 learning, highlighting how personalized tutoring can surpass traditional classroom education.

The Paradox of Effort and Reward:

In our pursuit of success, we often assume that more effort equates to greater rewards. However, this linear relationship holds true only for mindless and simple actions. Complex and multivariate tasks reveal a different truth - effort and reward have a diminishing returns relationship. The first lesson of drown-proofing perfectly exemplifies this paradox. By surrendering to the physics of water and using them to our advantage, we can save our own lives without relying on superhuman strength or endurance.

Diminishing Returns in Various Aspects of Life:

The concept of diminishing returns extends beyond physical activities. In fact, most activities in life operate along a diminishing returns curve. Work productivity studies indicate that our peak productivity lasts for a limited period, typically four to five hours per day. Beyond this threshold, the returns diminish significantly, highlighting the importance of work-life balance and avoiding burnout. Similarly, friendships follow a diminishing returns curve, where having a few close friends is more impactful than accumulating a large number.

The Inverted Curve: Effort and Reward Reversed:

While most activities conform to a diminishing returns curve, there exist a few important experiences and goals in life that operate on an inverted curve. When actions become purely psychological and exist within our own consciousness, effort and reward become inverted. By letting go of control and surrendering to the world's vastness, we can achieve true freedom, change, and personal growth. Recognizing our limitations and embracing vulnerability can lead to unexpected success.

The Unreasonable Effectiveness of 1-1 Learning:

Traditional education comes with various additional costs, such as the status of a degree and a predetermined curriculum. However, for those solely focused on learning, 1-1 tutoring offers a significantly more effective approach. Research shows that students who learn through personalized tutoring perform 98% better than those in a traditional classroom environment. By seeking out tutors who possess expertise in specific areas of interest and taking charge of our learning journey, we can optimize our learning experience and achieve exceptional results.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Embrace the Paradox: Recognize that success is not always linear. In certain situations, surrendering control and embracing vulnerability can lead to unexpected rewards. Practice letting go and allowing the world's natural forces to guide you.
  • 2. Seek Personalized Learning Opportunities: Explore the world of 1-1 tutoring and find individuals who can mentor and guide you in areas of interest. Take charge of your learning journey and actively participate in shaping the curriculum and goals.
  • 3. Build Skills Incrementally: Instead of trying to learn everything at once, concentrate on one specific skill at a time. By focusing on incremental improvement and refining individual aspects, you can experience a sense of progress and avoid overwhelming yourself.


In a world where linear relationships between effort and reward are not the norm, embracing paradoxes and inverted curves can lead to exceptional success. Whether it's surrendering to the physics of water or embracing vulnerability in personal growth, understanding the complexities of effort and reward can transform our approach to achievement. Additionally, personalized 1-1 learning offers an effective alternative to traditional education, allowing individuals to optimize their learning experiences and achieve extraordinary results. Embrace the unconventional and discover the power of inverted curves and personalized learning in your journey towards success.

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