"The Power of Evoked Set: Building a Strong Brand and Enhancing Memory with mymind"


Hatched by Glasp

Jul 20, 2023

3 min read


"The Power of Evoked Set: Building a Strong Brand and Enhancing Memory with mymind"

In today's competitive market, differentiation of physical products and services has become increasingly difficult. The determining factor in whether a consumer chooses a particular brand or continues to support it lies in the position it holds in their evoked set - the collection of favorable options that come to mind when considering a purchase. Brands that are remembered first have a distinct advantage in capturing consumer attention and loyalty. This concept highlights the importance of being the brand that is evoked first in the consumer's mind, as it becomes a shortcut for decision-making.

The concept of evoked set is defined as a subset of familiar brands within a specific product category that a consumer considers when making a purchase. According to Miller's research, humans can accurately rank and remember around 5 to 9 stimuli, emphasizing the significance of being the first choice within this limited capacity. The brand that occupies the first position in the evoked set has a strong influence on consumer decision-making, as it becomes a shortcut for many individuals.

The Double Jeopardy law states that brands with higher market share also have a larger customer base. These customers exhibit both behavioral and attitudinal loyalty. Market leaders, who already have a higher probability of being in consumers' evoked sets and occupying the first choice position, can employ strategies to minimize the number of brands in the evoked set. Strategies such as those employed by Keyoupi, which focuses on reducing the number of brands in the evoked set, or continuous advertising and promotion to maintain the first recall position, can be effective for market leaders.

Research suggests that consumers have already made up their minds about 70-80% of their purchase decisions before even entering a store. This highlights the importance of being present in the consumer's evoked set and occupying the first recall position. The battle for positioning in the evoked set is largely decided before consumers physically visit a store or make a purchase.

On the other hand, mymind offers a unique approach to memory organization and recall. It aims to provide a seamless extension of our minds, allowing us to save and retrieve information instantly. Unlike traditional organizational systems such as folders, lists, and tags, mymind utilizes contextual and visual cues as triggers for memory recall. By creating a private space for ideas and memories, mymind offers a sanctuary away from social networks, advertisements, and distractions. While some may question the lack of sharing and collaboration features, mymind's focus on individual mental peace and relief resonates with its visual-minded user base, including designers, marketers, researchers, writers, and developers.

In conclusion, the power of evoked set is evident in both the realm of branding and memory enhancement. Brands that successfully position themselves in consumers' evoked sets and occupy the first recall position have a significant advantage in capturing attention and loyalty. Similarly, tools like mymind provide individuals with a seamless extension of their minds, allowing for instant memory recall and a sense of mental peace. To leverage these insights, here are three actionable pieces of advice:

  • 1. For brands: Focus on occupying the first recall position in consumers' evoked sets by minimizing the number of brands in their consideration set through strategic positioning or continuous advertising efforts.
  • 2. For individuals: Utilize tools like mymind to create a private space for organizing and retrieving information, enhancing memory recall, and reducing distractions.
  • 3. For marketers and researchers: Consider the influence of evoked sets and the first recall position on consumer decision-making when designing marketing strategies and conducting research.

By understanding and harnessing the power of evoked sets and memory organization, brands can thrive in a competitive market, while individuals can enhance their cognitive abilities and find mental peace in the digital age.

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