Seizing the Moment: The Power of Intensive Learning and Pursuing Your Passions Now


Hatched by Glasp

Sep 03, 2023

3 min read


Seizing the Moment: The Power of Intensive Learning and Pursuing Your Passions Now

"One day you will wake up and there won't be any more time to do the things you've always wanted. Do it now." - Paulo Coelho

In today's fast-paced world, time seems to slip through our fingers. We often find ourselves caught up in the daily grind, putting off our dreams and aspirations for a later date. However, as Paulo Coelho reminds us, there may come a time when we realize that we have run out of time to pursue what truly matters to us. It is this sense of urgency that has led many to explore the effectiveness of intensive learning projects.

Scott H Young, in his article "Learning, Fast and Slow: Do Intensive Learning Projects Work Better Than Slow Ones?", delves into the advantages of concentrated learning periods. He highlights that the results of various studies suggest that focusing the hours of instruction within shorter timeframes can yield greater benefits for learning. This concept, known as contextual interference, proves particularly effective, although it may not be suitable for complex skills or less proficient learners.

Furthermore, the idea of retrieval practice is emphasized as a helpful learning strategy, as long as individuals can successfully retrieve the information they are trying to remember. Serrano and MuΓ±oz's study also reveals that intensive classrooms tend to foster better group cohesion and motivation. This suggests that immersing oneself in an intensive burst of learning can yield positive outcomes, particularly in terms of motivation and camaraderie among learners.

However, it is important to note that the advantages of intensive learning may diminish over time. This is where the spacing effect comes into play. While massed presentations may initially be more effective, their advantage tends to fade over time. Therefore, after an intensive learning project, it is crucial to transition into a more sustainable and leisurely pace of maintenance. By continuing to practice at a comfortable pace, one can prevent their proficiency from declining abruptly.

So, how can we apply these insights to our own lives? Here are three actionable pieces of advice to help you make the most of your time and pursue your passions now:

  • 1. Embrace Intensive Learning: Identify a skill or subject that you have always wanted to delve into and set aside dedicated time to immerse yourself in it intensively. Whether it's learning a new language, mastering a musical instrument, or developing a new professional skill, concentrated periods of focused learning can yield significant progress.
  • 2. Practice Retrieval: Incorporate retrieval practice into your learning routine. This involves actively recalling information from memory rather than passively reviewing it. By regularly testing your knowledge and understanding, you can enhance your ability to retrieve information when you need it.
  • 3. Maintain Consistency: After completing an intensive learning project, be sure to maintain a consistent practice schedule. It's important to continue dedicating time to your newly acquired skills or knowledge, albeit at a more leisurely pace. This will help solidify your proficiency and prevent it from diminishing over time.

In conclusion, the wisdom shared by Paulo Coelho urges us to seize the present moment and pursue the things that truly matter to us. Intensive learning projects have shown their effectiveness in accelerating our progress, but it is equally important to maintain a sustainable pace to prevent any abrupt decline. By incorporating these insights and taking actionable steps towards our goals, we can make the most of our time and live a life filled with purpose and fulfillment. So, what are you waiting for? Start now.

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