"Ten Charts I Can't Stop Thinking About: Insights on Happiness, Motherhood, Education, and More"


Hatched by Glasp

Sep 03, 2023

4 min read


"Ten Charts I Can't Stop Thinking About: Insights on Happiness, Motherhood, Education, and More"

Data has the power to shape our understanding of the world and challenge our preconceived notions. In this article, we will explore ten thought-provoking charts that shed light on various aspects of life, from happiness to motherhood, education, and beyond. These charts offer unique insights and highlight important trends that are worth considering. So, let's dive in and explore these fascinating findings.

Chart 1: The Impact of Marketing on Girls' Coding Abilities

The first chart that caught my attention revolves around the decline of girls in coding. It reveals that the marketing strategies employed by Apple and Tandy personal computers in the past sent a clear message that computers were primarily for boys. This messaging had a significant impact on girls' interest in coding, contributing to a gender gap in the tech industry.

Chart 2: The Happiness Cost of Commuting

Did you know that commuting can be more detrimental to your happiness than losing a limb? Surprising as it may sound, research indicates that a long commute has a lasting negative effect on one's happiness. Unlike other life events where individuals tend to return to their baseline happiness level, a lengthy commute continues to have a net negative impact on one's well-being.

Chart 3: The Happiest Age Surprise

Contrary to popular belief, our happiest years are not confined to our youth or later life. This chart challenges the notion that happiness is linearly correlated with age. In reality, we tend to experience the highest levels of happiness when we are young and when we are old. The middle years, often referred to as the "striving years," are marked by increased anxiety and uncertainty.

Chart 4: The Rising Costs of Healthcare

Healthcare costs have been a growing concern globally. However, this chart sheds light on an unexpected aspect of this issue. It reveals that the rising costs are not primarily driven by direct care but rather by the increasing number of administrators in the healthcare system. This discrepancy between administrative resources and frontline caregivers raises questions about the efficiency and allocation of healthcare resources.

Chart 5: The Hidden Cost of Motherhood

When discussing the cost of motherhood, it is not merely a theoretical debate about the challenges of pregnancy or lost wages during maternity leave. This chart uncovers a tangible and long-lasting cost for women who choose to have children – a significant impact on their lifetime wages. This highlights the need for policies and support systems that address the financial implications of motherhood.

Chart 6: The Elusive American Dream

The American Dream, once seen as an achievable goal for upward mobility, is becoming increasingly challenging to attain. Less than half of American-born individuals now earn more than their parents, indicating a regression rather than progress. This chart points to the rising costs of higher education as a significant factor, with a reduction in state funding and a disproportionate increase in administrators compared to faculty members.

Chart 7: The Perception of Racism

Despite ongoing racial disparities and systemic racism, there is a misconception among some white Americans. This chart reveals that they believe racism affects other white Americans more than it does Black Americans. It highlights the importance of education and awareness to address and dismantle these misconceptions.

Chart 8: The Decline of Organized Religion

Organized religion has long played a dominant role in society. However, this chart showcases a significant shift, particularly among young people, who are turning away from organized religion. This reflects changing attitudes and beliefs, indicating the need for religious institutions to adapt and evolve to remain relevant.

Chart 9: The Progress Against Extreme Poverty

While there is still much work to be done, this chart offers a glimmer of hope. It demonstrates that the number of people living in extreme poverty has been declining due to industrialization and modernization. However, it also emphasizes that this progress alone is not enough and highlights the need for continued efforts to eradicate poverty entirely.

Now that we have explored these thought-provoking charts, let's conclude with three actionable pieces of advice derived from these insights:

  • 1. Promote gender equality in tech: Encourage initiatives that inspire and empower girls to pursue coding and STEM fields, ensuring equal opportunities for all.
  • 2. Prioritize work-life balance: Consider the impact of commuting on your overall well-being when making career and lifestyle choices. Opt for alternatives like remote work or living closer to your workplace whenever possible.
  • 3. Advocate for affordable education: Support policies that address the rising costs of higher education and ensure access to quality education for all, irrespective of socioeconomic backgrounds.

In conclusion, these ten charts provide valuable insights into various aspects of our lives, challenging our assumptions and prompting us to question the status quo. By examining data and trends, we can gain a deeper understanding of the world around us, enabling us to make informed decisions and drive positive change. Remember, data wins arguments, but it also holds the power to shape a better future. Let's harness its potential and continue to explore the world through the lens of these thought-provoking charts.

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