What to Watch in AI: The Importance of Workflow Design and Personalization


Hatched by Glasp

Sep 22, 2023

4 min read


What to Watch in AI: The Importance of Workflow Design and Personalization

In the rapidly evolving world of AI startups, it's becoming increasingly clear that the most successful founders are those who prioritize workflow design and fine-tuning models based on user feedback. These founders understand the importance of creating interfaces and workflows that give users high levels of control and minimize cognitive overhead. By innovating on top of current prompting and auto-complete modalities, they are able to deliver products that truly meet the needs of their users.

One of the key trends in this space is the combination of comprehensive workflows and personalization. Startups are leveraging the latest advances in AI research by incorporating new models as they become available and continuously fine-tuning them based on proprietary user feedback. The data collected as users engage with these models not only informs the development of more powerful future models but also serves as a moat for these startups. The more data they collect and the better their workflows, the more valuable their products become.

Interestingly, this focus on workflow design and personalization aligns with recent research on goal-setting and success. Contrary to popular belief, setting ambitious goals can actually hinder innovation and motivation. Studies have shown that people who are too focused on goals are often less lucky and miss out on chance opportunities. On the other hand, those who embrace curiosity and meander through their interests are more likely to stumble upon breakthrough ideas.

Nobel laureates, for example, view their hobbies as fundamental parts of their creative process. They understand that everything they learn or experience can serve as fodder for their work. By following the 5-Hour Rule, which involves spending at least five hours per week on deliberate learning, they cultivate persistence and curiosity. Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, also attributes his company's success to the number of experiments they perform. This willingness to explore beyond direct goals allows for greater innovation and unexpected discoveries.

The downsides of goal obsession are numerous. Firstly, it can make us oblivious to chance opportunities because we are too focused on looking for something else. Lucky people, on the other hand, are more relaxed and open, allowing them to see what is there rather than just what they are looking for. Secondly, achieving goals can often leave us feeling empty. We may sacrifice our health or relationships in pursuit of a goal, only to realize that what we sacrificed may have been more important than the goal itself.

Goals can also make us feel insecure, as they often require stretching ourselves and setting aggressive deadlines. The planning fallacy, where things take longer than expected, further exacerbates this insecurity. Additionally, goals can reduce learning and even make us feel unmotivated during the long, challenging middle phase of pursuing a goal.

To achieve true greatness and foster innovation, it's important to prioritize stepping stones over ambitious goals. Researchers Kenneth Stanley and Joel Lehman have found that algorithms based on setting goals and measuring progress may not be the most effective for solving complex, real-world problems. Instead, they advocate for following the most novel paths forward, even if we're unsure how each stepping stone will contribute to the overall outcome.

Novelty is a powerful shortcut for detecting great stepping stones. As we continually seek novelty, it compounds over time, leading to further novelty and creating an endless chain of stepping stones branching out into the future. Humans are uniquely good at perceiving novelty, and it is this ability that often leads to serendipitous discoveries. Our innate curiosity drives us to explore and learn, making it a potent source of motivation for accomplishing creative feats.

In conclusion, the future of AI lies in the hands of founders who prioritize workflow design, personalization, and the cultivation of curiosity. By focusing on these aspects, they can create products that not only meet user needs but also drive innovation and breakthroughs. To apply this to your own endeavors, here are three actionable pieces of advice:

  • 1. Embrace workflow design: Pay attention to how users interact with your product and iterate on workflows to minimize cognitive overhead and maximize user control.
  • 2. Cultivate curiosity: Follow your interests and explore new paths, even if they don't align directly with your goals. Embrace the 5-Hour Rule and dedicate time each week to deliberate learning.
  • 3. Prioritize stepping stones: Instead of setting ambitious goals, focus on identifying novel paths forward. Seek out novelty and let it guide you towards unexpected opportunities and breakthroughs.

By adopting these practices, you can position yourself for success in the AI landscape and foster an environment of constant innovation and personal growth.

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