Leaving a Legacy and the Fundamental Attribution Error: A Powerful Connection


Hatched by Glasp

Jul 28, 2023

4 min read


Leaving a Legacy and the Fundamental Attribution Error: A Powerful Connection


Leaving a legacy is often regarded as one of the most profound desires of human beings. It involves making a lasting impact on the lives of others and leaving behind something meaningful. As we explore the concept of legacy, we find a remarkable connection with the fundamental attribution error, a cognitive bias that influences how we perceive and attribute behaviors in others. Let us delve into these two intriguing topics and uncover the common threads that intertwine them.

Leaving a Legacy: More than Material Possessions

When we think about legacy, we often associate it with material wealth or possessions. However, the true essence of leaving a legacy lies in the intangible aspects that touch the hearts and minds of others. Peter Strople beautifully encapsulates this idea by stating, "Legacy is not leaving something for people. It's leaving something in people." A legacy is not etched on tombstones but rather in the memories and stories shared by those who have been impacted by our lives (Shannon Alder). It is the stories we leave behind that shape our greatest legacy, one that extends beyond our own existence (Steve Saint).

Character and Faith: The Invaluable Legacy

While material wealth can be inherited, the most valuable legacy we can pass on to future generations is that of character and faith. Billy Graham reminds us that the true inheritance we leave behind is not money or material possessions but rather a legacy of strong values and beliefs. These intangible qualities have the power to shape individuals and communities for generations to come. By nurturing these aspects in ourselves and instilling them in our children, we create a legacy that transcends time and empowers future generations.

The Bigger Narrative: Our Legacy in the Context of Others

As we reflect on leaving a legacy, it is important to recognize that our story is not solely about ourselves. We are interconnected beings, and our lives are intertwined with the lives of others. The stories we leave behind become part of a bigger narrative, one that encompasses the collective experiences and contributions of humanity. We are not isolated entities but rather integral threads in the fabric of society. Understanding this interconnectedness allows us to shape our legacy with a broader perspective, considering the impact we can make on the world and the lives of others.

The Fundamental Attribution Error: Unveiling Our Biased Perceptions

Now, let us turn our attention to the fundamental attribution error, a cognitive bias that affects how we perceive and attribute behaviors in others. This bias leads us to over-emphasize dispositional explanations, such as personality traits, when explaining others' actions, while under-emphasizing situational factors. We tend to see individuals as internally motivated and responsible for their behavior, often overlooking the social and environmental forces that shape their actions.

The Connection: Legacy and Attribution

The connection between leaving a legacy and the fundamental attribution error becomes apparent when we consider how we perceive the legacies of others. Our biases influence how we attribute the impact of individuals on the world. When we focus solely on material possessions or accomplishments, we fall into the trap of the fundamental attribution error, neglecting the situational factors that played a role in their success or failure. By recognizing this bias, we can broaden our perspective and appreciate the true essence of a legacy – the intangible qualities and the stories that shape how individuals are remembered.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Cultivate and prioritize character and faith: Invest time and effort in nurturing your own character and faith, as these qualities form the foundation of a meaningful legacy.
  • 2. Expand your perspective: Strive to see beyond superficial achievements and material possessions when assessing the legacies of others. Consider the situational factors that influenced their journey and impact.
  • 3. Embrace interconnectedness: Recognize that your legacy is not isolated but part of a greater narrative. Seek opportunities to contribute positively to the lives of others and leave a lasting impact on the world.


Leaving a legacy is a profound desire that resides within each of us. By understanding the true essence of legacy, focusing on character and faith, and recognizing our biases in perceiving the legacies of others, we can shape our own legacy with intention and purpose. Let us strive to leave something meaningful in the hearts and minds of others, creating a legacy that extends far beyond our own existence.

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