The Future of Blockchain Computing: From Composability to Immersive Experiences


Hatched by Glasp

Sep 11, 2023

3 min read


The Future of Blockchain Computing: From Composability to Immersive Experiences

In the ever-evolving world of technology, we are witnessing the emergence of new eras that shape the way we interact with and utilize blockchain computing. From the early days of limited scripting languages to the promise of fully immersive experiences, let's explore the four eras of blockchain computing and their potential impact on innovation and user experiences.

The Calculator Era: Security vs. Programmability

When Bitcoin first emerged, its primary focus was on security rather than programmability. Bitcoin can be seen as more of a calculator than a computer, with its limited scripting language. Many argue that this limitation is not a bug but a feature, as it ensures the security of decentralized money systems. However, this approach restricts the potential for innovation and higher-order applications.

The Mainframe Era: Generalized Blockchain Computing

Building upon the ideas pioneered by Bitcoin, Ethereum introduced a Turing-complete virtual machine, allowing developers to deploy and run any program across a decentralized network of machines. While Ethereum's computations are trustless, the need for each node to execute every program function makes it slow and expensive to use. Despite these limitations, Ethereum remains unrivaled in terms of its trustless computations.

The Server Era: Trade-offs for Scalability and Control

In search of scalability, some developers are moving away from composability and shared network effects, instead opting for application-specific architectures. This shift to the server era involves trading off composability for more granular control over the end-user experience and the economics of the supply-side resources of the network. These blockchains are still composable but require new standards for communication among applications.

The Cloud Era: Trustless Computation at Scale

The cloud era represents the ultimate goal of blockchain computing, where composition is bounded only by creativity, not scale or communication complexity. In this era, innovation can compound without hitting diminishing returns. Researchers are exploring new architectures that move computation off-chain, paving the way for trustless computation at an unprecedented scale.

As we navigate through these eras, it's crucial to consider the implications for the future of technology and how they might shape our lives. Here are three actionable insights to consider:

  • 1. Embrace Composability: While the server era may offer scalability and control, it's essential to recognize the value of composability. Leveraging existing resources and building on top of them can lead to more rapid and compounding innovation. Look for opportunities to utilize composability in your projects and explore its potential.
  • 2. Embrace Immersive Experiences: With the rise of immersive experiences, the mainstream adoption of 3D creation is imminent. As these experiences become more prevalent, focus on creating rich, engaging, three-dimensional, interactive, and personalized content. This will be the key to unlocking the full potential of immersive technologies.
  • 3. Embrace the Stakeholder Economy: The decentralized nature of blockchain computing opens up opportunities for emerging brands and local businesses. The concept of turning customers and employees into owners can disrupt the dominance of internet behemoths and global marketplaces. Consider ways to empower people and create decentralized organizations that benefit both individuals and businesses.

In conclusion, the future of blockchain computing is headed towards a realm of immersive experiences and decentralized innovation. From the early days of limited scripting languages to the promise of trustless computation at scale, each era brings unique opportunities and challenges. By embracing composability, immersive experiences, and the stakeholder economy, we can shape this future and unlock the full potential of blockchain technology.

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