The Power of Composable Membership in Building Social Capital


Hatched by Glasp

Aug 28, 2023

3 min read


The Power of Composable Membership in Building Social Capital


In today's digital age, the vast amount of content available can be overwhelming. Whether it's books, articles, videos, or podcasts, finding high-quality content that aligns with our interests can be a challenge. However, platforms like Upcarta have emerged to help users discover, organize, and share great content recommended by their favorite creators and thinkers. This creates a sense of community and allows individuals to connect with like-minded individuals who share common interests.

Composable Membership: A Catalyst for Social Capital:

While having a token can bring a community together, it is composable membership that holds a community together in the long term through the concept of social capital. In this context, access becomes a means of discovery, permissions translate into responsibility, and status takes on the weight of influence. In the Web2 era, membership revolved around services, but in the Web3 era, services revolve around membership. The absence of a single platform owning the primitives (tokens) in Web3 eliminates the need for individuals to fight for the top spot in the membership hierarchy.

Defining Social Capital and its Importance:

Social capital can be understood as building an allowance for trust, experimentation, and flexibility within a community. It involves creating a membership system that enhances ownership of decisions and prevents a social fork, where community members split and form separate factions. To measure reputation in a community, a combination of membership, identity, and relationships can serve as a proxy for a reputation score. This opens up possibilities for creatively weighted incentives, as individuals can be recognized and rewarded based on their contributions and impact within the community.

Connecting Discoverability and Social Capital:

The concept of discoverability, as offered by platforms like Upcarta, plays a crucial role in fostering social capital within communities. When individuals can easily find content that aligns with their interests and connects them with like-minded individuals, it creates a sense of belonging. The curated content on Upcarta allows users to explore topics they are passionate about and connects them with the relevant creators in those fields. This, in turn, strengthens the social fabric of the community and encourages collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Actively Engage: To build social capital within a community, it is important to actively engage with other members. This can involve participating in discussions, sharing valuable insights, and forming genuine connections. By being an active and contributing member, you can establish yourself as a trusted and respected individual within the community.
  • 2. Foster Collaboration: Collaboration is key to building social capital. Look for opportunities to collaborate with other members on projects, initiatives, or content creation. By working together, you not only strengthen your own reputation but also contribute to the growth and success of the community as a whole.
  • 3. Provide Value: One of the most effective ways to build social capital is by consistently providing value to the community. Share valuable content, insights, or resources that can benefit others. By being a reliable source of information and support, you will become an invaluable member of the community, earning the trust and respect of others.


Composable membership has emerged as a powerful tool in building social capital within communities. By focusing on access, permissions, and status, communities can create a sense of ownership, trust, and influence among their members. Platforms like Upcarta facilitate the discovery of curated content and connect individuals with like-minded creators, further fostering social capital. By actively engaging, fostering collaboration, and providing value, individuals can contribute to the growth and success of the community while also establishing themselves as respected members. Embracing the principles of composable membership can lead to vibrant and thriving communities that are built on trust, creativity, and shared interests.

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