The Power of Defensibility and Effective Note-Taking


Hatched by Glasp

Jul 24, 2023

4 min read


The Power of Defensibility and Effective Note-Taking


In the world of startups and note-taking, there are common threads that can lead to success. Founders who focus on building defensibility into their businesses have the potential for massive returns. Similarly, individuals who adopt an effective note-taking system can harness the power of external memory to enhance their thinking, learning, and productivity. In this article, we will explore the importance of defensibility in startups and delve into a two-step process for effective note-taking.

Defensibility in Startups:

To truly understand the value of defensibility, we must recognize that the greatest returns in the startup world come from businesses that have long-term defensibility. Several factors contribute to a startup's competitive advantage:

  • 1. Speed: The ability to go faster than competitors is a significant advantage in the short and medium term. Startups that prioritize speed can gain an edge by quickly capturing market share and establishing themselves as leaders.
  • 2. Capital: Raising more capital allows startups to hire faster, acquire market share, and build real defensibilities. Companies like Uber, Square, and NextDoor have demonstrated the power of ample capital in driving success.
  • 3. Unique Team: A team with technical talent or unique insights into a customer/market can create a competitive advantage. Having a skilled team that can execute on innovative ideas sets startups apart from the competition.
  • 4. Content: Providing users with unique content at launch or shortly after can differentiate startups from their competitors. Companies like Zillow, Yelp, and Facebook initially attracted users by offering valuable and distinct content.
  • 5. Buzz: When a startup captures the imagination of influencers in the tech and media industry, it becomes easier to fundraise, attract talent, gain press coverage, and acquire customers. Slack and Meerkat are examples of companies that successfully generated buzz.
  • 6. Relationships: The people involved in a startup matter. Being located in Silicon Valley, with access to capital, press, talent, and a network of like-minded individuals, provides a competitive advantage.
  • 7. Patents: While patents can offer protection, their significance has diminished over time in the software and digital world. Startups should consider other forms of defensibility.

The Four Defensibilities of the Digital World:

In the digital realm, there are four primary forms of defensibility that startups can leverage:

  • 1. Economies of Scale: As a company grows, it gains various advantages. Amazon is a prime example, with its massive scale allowing for cost efficiencies, wider product selection, and enhanced customer experience.
  • 2. Brand: Establishing a strong brand can create a defensible position in the market. Companies like and Google have successfully built brands that draw in customers and instill trust.
  • 3. Embedding: Integrating software into a customer's operations makes it difficult for them to replace the startup with a competitor. Workday, Oracle, and SAP have utilized embedding to solidify their positions in the market.
  • 4. Network Effects: When the value of a service increases with each additional user, a network effect is at play. LinkedIn, Alibaba, and Craigslist have harnessed the power of network effects to become dominant players in their respective industries.

Effective Note-Taking:

To maximize the benefits of note-taking, it is essential to adopt a structured approach that turns quick reminders into permanent, understandable notes. Here's a two-step process:

Step 1: Capture Quick Reminders:

When you have an idea or need to remember something while engaged in another activity, jot down a quick reminder and return to what you were doing. These brief notes serve as reminders of ideas that need further exploration.

Step 2: Transform Reminders into Permanent Notes:

Within a day, take the time to convert your quick reminders into permanent, well-structured notes. This step is crucial for developing your thoughts, combating biases, streamlining your writing process, sparking new ideas, and enhancing your learning.

Key Principles for Effective Note-Taking:

  • 1. Standardize: Keep all your notes in one place and format, assigning each note a distinct number. This practice ensures organization and allows for easy retrieval of information.
  • 2. Elaborate: Before writing a permanent note, consider how the new idea contributes, challenges, or alters existing notes. Think through the connections and document the outcome clearly and precisely.
  • 3. Connect: Avoid creating isolated collections of ideas. Instead, focus on connecting related notes and building context. By making connections between notes, you create a web of knowledge that enhances understanding and generates insights.


Defensibility is the driving force behind successful startups, while effective note-taking can revolutionize personal productivity and thinking. By incorporating elements of defensibility into your startup and adopting a structured note-taking process, you can position yourself for long-term success. Remember to prioritize speed, leverage capital, build unique teams, deliver valuable content, generate buzz, cultivate relationships, and explore alternative forms of defensibility. Additionally, implement a note-taking system that involves capturing quick reminders and converting them into permanent, interconnected notes. These actionable steps will set you on a path towards achieving your goals and maximizing your potential.

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