The Rise of Networking in the Digital Age: How TikTok and the Internet are Changing the Game


Hatched by Glasp

Sep 05, 2023

3 min read


The Rise of Networking in the Digital Age: How TikTok and the Internet are Changing the Game

RIP, networking: is the one skill I owe most to -- obsolete? This sentiment seems to be circulating in the professional world. However, my take on networking couldn't be more clear: it isn't overrated, and it isn't going anywhere -- not the good kind.

In today's digital age, networking has taken on a new form. We now have the opportunity to connect with people from all over the world, thanks to the global nature and massive scale of the Internet. Instead of relying solely on in-person interactions, we can leverage the power of technology to expand our networks and create meaningful relationships.

One significant shift in networking is the emphasis on creating useful content online. Whether it's through blogs, writing, podcasts, or videos, the Internet provides a platform for individuals to share their knowledge and expertise. By publishing ideas, we no longer need to sell our knowledge by the hour. Instead, our ideas become the most valuable currency in a knowledge-driven economy.

When we create content, we are essentially creating our own "Serendipity Vehicle." This vehicle acts as a magnet, attracting ideas, people, and opportunities from all corners of the globe. If our ideas resonate with others, they will discover us and bring forth unexpected opportunities. Doors that we never knew existed can open, leading to collaborations and connections that can propel our careers forward.

However, while the essence of networking remains the same, the nature and how of networking are definitely changing. One platform that is revolutionizing the way we connect professionally is TikTok. Known for its entertaining short-form videos, TikTok has recently launched a pilot version of Resumes, a feature that allows users to apply for jobs via video resumes.

This innovative approach takes advantage of Gen Z's desire to be authentic in all aspects of life, including work. Video resumes allow candidates to showcase their energy and creativity, which is often difficult to communicate through traditional paper resumes. The dynamic nature of these videos provides a unique opportunity for job seekers to stand out from the crowd.

Despite the benefits of TikTok Resumes, there seems to be a hesitancy among users to fully embrace this feature. Employers are still navigating the idea of reviewing candidates' TikTok profiles, which may not always align with professional expectations. Additionally, creating and editing a video resume can be intimidating for candidates who are not accustomed to appearing on camera.

So, what actionable advice can we take away from these changing dynamics of networking? Here are three tips to help navigate the evolving landscape:

  • 1. Embrace the power of content creation: Whether it's through blogging, podcasting, or creating videos, sharing your ideas and expertise online can be a game-changer. By consistently producing valuable content, you can become a thought leader in your industry and attract opportunities from around the world.
  • 2. Experiment with new platforms: Don't be afraid to explore emerging platforms like TikTok. While they may seem more geared towards entertainment, these platforms are constantly evolving and can offer unique opportunities for career growth. Keep an open mind and adapt to the changing digital landscape.
  • 3. Balance authenticity with professionalism: As we embrace the authenticity of video resumes and personal branding, it's important to strike a balance between being true to yourself and maintaining a professional image. Consider how your online presence aligns with your career goals and ensure that your content reflects your expertise and values.

In conclusion, networking is far from being obsolete. In fact, it has evolved into a powerful tool in the digital age. By leveraging the global reach of the Internet and embracing new platforms like TikTok, we can connect and collaborate with individuals in ways that were once unimaginable. So, let's embrace the changing nature of networking and seize the opportunities that await us in the digital realm.

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