Recently Added Features

Pocket Highlight Importer

Import your Pocket highlights to Glasp

Medium Highlight Importer

Import your Medium highlights to Glasp

Instapaper Highlight Importer

Import your Instapaper highlights to Glasp

Hypothesis Highlight Importer

Import your Hypothesis highlights to Glasp

Readwise Integration

Import your Readwise highlights to Glasp

Notion Integration

Sync your highlights and notes with Notion


Create and share beautiful quoteshots from your highlights

Private Highlights

Keep your highlights and notes private

Image Highlight

Highlight images and save them to your Glasp account

Post & Blogging

Create and publish posts from your highlights

AI Clone

Build your AI clone with Glasp

On-page Summary for YouTube Videos

Summarize YouTube videos with AI

Do More with Glasp

AI Summary

Summarize any webpage, PDF, or YouTube video with AI

YouTube Summary

Highlight and summarize your favorite YouTube videos

PDF Summary

Highlight and summarize your favorite PDF documents

Kindle Daily Review

Review your Kindle highlights and notes every day


Create and share beautiful quoteshots from your highlights

Knowledge Graph

Visualize your learning progress with the knowledge graph

Download Highlights

Download your highlights in markdown, html, csv, and json

Embed Highlights

Embed your highlights and notes on your blog or website

Export Highlights

Export your highlights to Roam Research, Notion, and Obsidian

Glasp Works with


Export highlights to Obsidian


Export highlights to Notion

Roam Research

Export highlights to Roam


Export highlights to Readwise


How to highlight YouTube videos


How to highlight ChatGPT

Collect & Share Your Favorite Words

Let's start highlighting your favorite quotes and thoughts from the web and PDFs. Add Glasp to your Chrome or Safari browser today 🌱

Glasp PDF & Web Highlighter