Guided meditation visualizing thoughts as the surface of an ocean | Summary and Q&A

Learn how to meditate by quieting your thoughts and rising above them, realizing that you are more than your thoughts and external circumstances.
Key Insights
- 🤭 Meditation is about quieting the mind and stilling the thoughts that distract us.
- 🌊 Thoughts are like waves on the surface of an ocean, and we can rise above them to realize our true nature.
- 💭 Meditation helps us understand that we are more than our thoughts, external circumstances, and identities.
- 🧘 Approaching meditation with a spirit of fun and curiosity can make the practice more enjoyable and effective.
- 🤔 External circumstances are not as important as we often think, and meditation helps us gain perspective.
- 👻 Meditation allows us to find a sense of calm and inner peace amidst the distractions of daily life.
- ❓ With regular practice, we can develop the ability to meditate without guidance or external distractions.
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Questions & Answers
Q: What is the purpose of meditation?
The purpose of meditation is to quiet the mind and still the thoughts that distract us. It helps us find a sense of calm and inner peace.
Q: How should I approach meditation if my mind gets distracted?
It is common for the mind to wander during meditation. Instead of getting anxious or feeling like you are doing it wrong, approach meditation with a spirit of fun and curiosity. Laugh off the distractions and gently bring your focus back to the stillness.
Q: How can I elevate myself above my thoughts during meditation?
Visualize your thoughts as waves on the surface of an ocean. As you rise above them and look down, you realize that those thoughts do not define you. You are the pure awareness in which they occur.
Q: Can meditation help with dealing with external circumstances?
Yes, meditation can help you realize that external circumstances do not have to define or bother you. By quieting the mind and rising above those circumstances, you can find a sense of calm and recognize that they are not as important as we often make them out to be.
Summary & Key Takeaways
In this meditation, the instructor guides you to sit upright, soften your gaze, and focus on your breath, making it deeper and slower.
The goal of meditation is to still the mind and quiet the thoughts that distract us.
The instructor introduces the framework of visualizing thoughts as waves on the surface of an ocean and rising above them to realize that they do not define us.
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