What is D3JS - A quick practical guide | Summary and Q&A

April 25, 2019
Hitesh Choudhary
YouTube video player
What is D3JS - A quick practical guide


d3.js is a powerful JavaScript library used to create graphs and charts from numerical data, but it may not be suitable for simple charts and graphs.

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Key Insights

  • 📚 d3.js is a powerful library for data visualization, particularly for creating complex and interactive visualizations.
  • 📊 Simple bar charts and pie charts can be created more easily using other lightweight libraries.
  • 📽️ Programmers have used d3.js creatively to create impressive projects and visualizations.
  • 📚 The d3.js documentation and examples on their website are valuable resources for learning and implementing the library.
  • 😄 It is important to choose the right tool for the job when it comes to data visualization, considering factors such as complexity, performance, and ease of use.
  • 🖐️ Experimentation and creativity play a significant role in harnessing the full potential of d3.js.
  • 😥 For those interested in learning d3.js, this video serves as a great starting point and introduction to the library.


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Questions & Answers

Q: What is d3.js?

d3.js is a JavaScript library used for creating dynamic and interactive graphs and charts from numerical data.

Q: Is d3.js suitable for creating simple bar charts and pie charts?

While it is technically possible to use d3.js for simple charts, it is not recommended as it is a heavy-duty library and there are other lighter libraries available for such basic charts.

Q: What can be created using d3.js?

d3.js can be used to create a wide range of data visualizations, from basic bar charts to complex interactive graphs.

Q: Where can I find examples and documentation for d3.js?

The d3.js website provides extensive documentation, API references, and a gallery of examples to help users learn and implement the library.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • d3.js is a data-driven JavaScript library used to create graphs and charts from numerical data.

  • While d3.js can handle complex data visualizations, it may not be the best choice for simple bar charts or pie charts.

  • Programmers have used d3.js creatively to create impressive projects and visualizations.

  • The d3.js documentation and examples on their website provide resources for learning and implementing the library.

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