Why should you read Tolstoy's "War and Peace"? - Brendan Pelsue | Summary and Q&A

April 27, 2017
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Why should you read Tolstoy's "War and Peace"? - Brendan Pelsue


"War and Peace" is a long but thrilling examination of history, featuring deep characters, societal questions, and the human response to war.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ "War and Peace" is a comprehensive examination of history, culture, philosophy, and psychology, offering deep insights into the human condition.
  • 📔 Leo Tolstoy's decision to expand the book's scope resulted in a sprawling epic that captures the interconnectedness of historical events and character relationships.
  • 🫱 The novel's exploration of personal and political aspects provides a nuanced depiction of aristocratic life during times of war.
  • 🪜 Tolstoy's ability to blend fictional and real characters adds depth and authenticity to the narrative.
  • 🥺 The book's deviation from traditional novel structures led to mixed reception, but it remains a testament to Tolstoy's imaginative powers and unique storytelling style.
  • 🫱 "War and Peace" challenges readers to contemplate the causes and consequences of war, the nature of human relationships, and the impact of societal and economic forces on historical events.
  • 🛟 The novel serves as a reminder of the enduring relevance and complexity of history and the human response to conflict.


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Questions & Answers

Q: Why did Tolstoy deviate from his original plan and make "War and Peace" such a long book?

Tolstoy expanded the scope of the novel to include important historical events and explore the interconnectedness of various time periods and characters. He wanted to delve into the complexities of history and challenge traditional narrative structures.

Q: How does "War and Peace" handle the portrayal of its characters?

The book features a wide range of characters, both fictional and real, with complex psychologies. Tolstoy examines their motivations, relationships, and personal growth, allowing readers to deeply engage with their stories.

Q: What themes and questions does "War and Peace" explore?

The novel tackles various themes such as war, love, power, and destiny. Tolstoy poses questions about the causes and impact of war, the role of individuals in historical events, and the interplay between cultural and economic forces.

Q: How does "War and Peace" differ from traditional novels?

Tolstoy believed that Russian literature should be different from Western European forms. He defies conventional narrative structures and utilizes digressions to delve into philosophical and historical contemplations, making the novel more panoramic in scope.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • "War and Peace" is a 1,200 page epic novel written by Leo Tolstoy, exploring love stories, battlefields, bankruptcies, firing squads, religious visions, and more.

  • Tolstoy initially planned to write a short novel about a political dissident's return from exile, but the story evolved to encompass significant historical events like the Decembrists revolt and Napoleon's invasion of Russia in 1812.

  • The book features a vast web of relationships and explores the personal and political aspects of aristocrats' lives during the time of war.

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