Social Media Data - Computerphile | Summary and Q&A

March 21, 2018
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Social Media Data - Computerphile


Many apps collect and store user data obtained through social media platform APIs, and users must proactively request the deletion of their data from these apps.

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Key Insights

  • 👤 Apps on social media platforms often collect and store user data obtained through the platform's APIs, and users must proactively request data deletion.
  • 😀 Permissions requested by apps should align with their intended usage of the data, as stated during the permissions request process.
  • 👮 Data privacy laws vary, and it is crucial to understand a company's location and their compliance with data protection regulations.
  • 😀 Users can review and modify app permissions to limit data access on social media platforms.
  • 😀 Users should regularly review and restrict their unintentional data sharing with third-party apps.
  • 😀 Social media platforms primarily review app permissions to access public profile information since it is already publicly available.
  • 😀 Apps can request access to data about a user's friends, allowing them to collect information about individuals without their explicit consent.


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Questions & Answers

Q: How easy is it to create an app that collects user data from social media platforms?

Building such apps is relatively simple, thanks to the example code snippets provided on social media developer sites. Developers can copy and paste code lines and customize them according to their data collection needs.

Q: Why do developers create apps that request access to user data?

Developers create apps that collect data to analyze user behavior, generate personalized content (like tag clouds or celebrity lookalikes), or for research purposes. Users often provide data willingly when they perceive a benefit from using the app.

Q: Are app developers transparent about their data usage?

Since 2014, social media platforms require app developers to explain why they need access to user data during the permissions request process. However, users often agree without thoroughly reviewing the terms and conditions.

Q: Can users control the permissions granted to apps and delete their data?

Users can review and edit the permissions given to apps on social media platforms. However, once data has been shared with an app, users have to contact the app developer directly to request data deletion.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Apps on social media platforms have their own storage and use the platform's API to collect user data, which is then processed and stored by the app.

  • Users often give away data without considering the consequences, leading to concerns about data misuse like the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

  • There are two main types of app situations: logging into another website using social media credentials and installing third-party apps that request access to user data.

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