Leaving No Tile Unturned! Wave Function Collapse Passenger Showcase #shorts

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About the Video
All aboard the Wave Function Collapse' Passenger Showcase! Next stop: Prime Spiral Showcase! https://thecodingtrain.com/challenges/171-wave-function-collapse
Submit yours! https://thecodingtrain.com/guides/passenger-showcase-guide
🎥 Wave Function Collapse: https://youtu.be/rI_y2GAlQFM
🎥 Prime Spiral: https://youtu.be/a35KWEjRvc0
Featured Projects
Kathy: https://editor.p5js.org/kfahn/full/-j45Nn1cb
Grit Kit: https://github.com/gritschu/Wave-Function-Collapse
Gabrz: https://editor.p5js.org/Gabrz/full/EoC4-9rUU
Jin-Hyeok: https://github.com/gignac-cha/gignac-cha.github.io/tree/main/wave-function-collapse
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