The Greatest CEO of 2013? | Investor Beat - 12/27/13 | The Motley Fool | Summary and Q&A

December 27, 2013
The Motley Fool
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The Greatest CEO of 2013? | Investor Beat - 12/27/13 | The Motley Fool


Despite challenges like high unemployment and weak economic growth, the stock market has performed exceptionally well in 2013, up 30%. While some credit the Fed's easing program, valuations don't indicate a bubble. Jeff Weiner of LinkedIn is a revered CEO, and industrial companies are expected to benefit in 2014.

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Key Insights

  • 😀 The stock market's 30% growth in 2013 is impressive in the face of economic challenges.
  • 😄 Valuations suggest that the market's performance is not a bubble, although the role of the Fed's easing programs cannot be dismissed.
  • 🉐 Jeff Weiner's leadership at LinkedIn, characterized by purpose and daily reflection, has gained admiration.
  • 🔠 Industrial companies are expected to thrive in 2014 due to economic improvement and increased capital spending.
  • 👨‍💼 The video provides an overview of important events and trends in investing and business in 2013.
  • 🎮 By discussing the market performance and identifying potential opportunities for 2014, the video offers valuable insights for investors.
  • 🧑‍🏭 The impact of macro factors on the economy and companies is emphasized, specifically in relation to industrial companies.


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Questions & Answers

Q: What factors contributed to the stock market's 30% growth in 2013?

Despite high unemployment and weak economic growth, the stock market outperformed due to the Fed's easing programs and the injection of $85 billion into the bond market every month.

Q: Is the stock market in a bubble, similar to the dot-com era in 1999?

While valuations may suggest that the market's rise is artificial, it is not considered a bubble. The Fed's easing programs and interest rates being at zero have played a role in the market's performance.

Q: Who is the CEO of the Year for 2013?

Jeff Weiner of LinkedIn is widely celebrated as a purpos driven manager who sets aside time for thinking every day. His leadership and transformational approach make him worthy of recognition as CEO of the Year.

Q: Should investors be concerned about the sharp rise in LinkedIn shares?

As a value investor, the performance of LinkedIn shares is not a cause for concern. Though shares have risen by 92% in 2013, based on their future prospects and the company's current efforts, the stock is still considered a buy.

Q: What industries are expected to perform well in 2014?

Industrial companies are anticipated to benefit in 2014. Both a strengthening economy and increased capital spending by companies with substantial balance sheets suggest a favorable environment for companies like Caterpillar, Deere, Lincoln Electric, and Flowserve.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Despite economic challenges, the stock market has surged 30% in 2013.

  • Valuations suggest that the market's performance is not a bubble.

  • Jeff Weiner of LinkedIn is recognized as an exemplary CEO.

  • Industrial companies are expected to benefit in 2014 due to a strengthening economy and increased capital spending.

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