John Koetsier


"Stage one: Stimulating virality"
John Koetsier
How LinkedIn Went From 500,000 to 500 Million Users in 13 Years
"Like all startups, growth is essential and the challenge is obvious: grow or die."
John Koetsier
How LinkedIn Went From 500,000 to 500 Million Users in 13 Years
"""In the early days, you don't need a growth team,"" Awan said. ""Everyone is the growth team."""
John Koetsier
How LinkedIn Went From 500,000 to 500 Million Users in 13 Years
"""Growth has to be built into the product,"" says Awan."
John Koetsier
How LinkedIn Went From 500,000 to 500 Million Users in 13 Years
"Stage two: Systematizing growth"
John Koetsier
How LinkedIn Went From 500,000 to 500 Million Users in 13 Years
"From 2008 to 2011, LinkedIn started investing more in growth. The key: the company started to make it a system, building a team that boosted user numbers 10 times from 14 million to 140 million."
John Koetsier
How LinkedIn Went From 500,000 to 500 Million Users in 13 Years
"""As you get scale, you need to build a growth team,"" Awan says. ""You need product people and marketers on that team -- you need both -- and you need data scientists and engineers as well."""
John Koetsier
How LinkedIn Went From 500,000 to 500 Million Users in 13 Years
"In addition, the company identified its major growth channels by studying what users were doing and how they were finding the site."
John Koetsier
How LinkedIn Went From 500,000 to 500 Million Users in 13 Years
"Stage three: Use data to ramp up your growth rate"
John Koetsier
How LinkedIn Went From 500,000 to 500 Million Users in 13 Years
"In stage three, LinkedIn got really serious about understand members beyond the acquisition stage."
John Koetsier
How LinkedIn Went From 500,000 to 500 Million Users in 13 Years
"Define one ""North Star"" metric for success"
John Koetsier
How LinkedIn Went From 500,000 to 500 Million Users in 13 Years
"Good product comes first, growth comes second"
John Koetsier
How LinkedIn Went From 500,000 to 500 Million Users in 13 Years
"Identify growth channels by checking how users are currently finding you"
John Koetsier
How LinkedIn Went From 500,000 to 500 Million Users in 13 Years

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