Cole Benefield

Cole Benefield


"No knowledge is ever lost. If you think about it, when you die, we lose all that knowledge. Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, etc – their work remains, but most of their knowledge is lost. I want to preserve knowledge largely to make sure we aren’t repeating the same mistakes. I also envision pools of knowledge per community, like a unique knowledge base for Tokyo or Texas."
Cole Benefield
Kei Watanabe, Co-founder of Glasp – aggieKX
"Every person will have a different knowledge base and a different answer to “What’s your vision for the future?”, for instance."
Cole Benefield
Kei Watanabe, Co-founder of Glasp – aggieKX
"Using the clones, you can ask individuals questions and instantly get their opinion or insight on a subject based on past Glasp learnings."
Cole Benefield
Kei Watanabe, Co-founder of Glasp – aggieKX
"Scan your brain. In the future, you’ll hopefully be able to scan all the contents in your brain and have them preserved for future generations."
Cole Benefield
Kei Watanabe, Co-founder of Glasp – aggieKX
"“Share your knowledge. It’s the only way to achieve immortality.”"
Cole Benefield
Kei Watanabe, Co-founder of Glasp – aggieKX
"Glasp is incredibly ahead of its time. Kei, and his co-founder Kazuki Nakayashiki, are building their vision of the future."
Cole Benefield
Kei Watanabe, Co-founder of Glasp – aggieKX
"These tools will compound and motivate a generation of founders to change how we see knowledge"
Cole Benefield
Kei Watanabe, Co-founder of Glasp – aggieKX

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Glasp is a social web highlighter that people can highlight and organize quotes and thoughts from the web, and access other like-minded people’s learning.