"“A mental model is based on belief, not facts: that is, it’s a model of what users know (or think they know) about a system such as your website.”"
Why do we pay to use a product? Understanding mental models in UX | by Oz Hashimoto | Nov, 2020 | UX Collective
"“We tend to follow the patterns of similar others in new or unfamiliar situations.” — Mental Notes"
Why do we pay to use a product? Understanding mental models in UX | by Oz Hashimoto | Nov, 2020 | UX Collective
"“We hate losing or letting go of what we have (even if more could be had).” — Mental Notes"
Why do we pay to use a product? Understanding mental models in UX | by Oz Hashimoto | Nov, 2020 | UX Collective
"“It’s easier to recognize things we have previously experienced than it is to recall them from memory.” — Mental Notes"
Why do we pay to use a product? Understanding mental models in UX | by Oz Hashimoto | Nov, 2020 | UX Collective
"We are more likely to take action when complex activities are broken down into smaller tasks. — Mental Notes"
Why do we pay to use a product? Understanding mental models in UX | by Oz Hashimoto | Nov, 2020 | UX Collective
"Recurring events create sustained interest, anticipation and a sense of belonging"
Why do we pay to use a product? Understanding mental models in UX | by Oz Hashimoto | Nov, 2020 | UX Collective
"We make sense of a new idea or conceptual domain by likening it to another."
Why do we pay to use a product? Understanding mental models in UX | by Oz Hashimoto | Nov, 2020 | UX Collective
"It’s easier to recognize things we have previously experienced than it is to recall them from memory"
Why do we pay to use a product? Understanding mental models in UX | by Oz Hashimoto | Nov, 2020 | UX Collective
"We are more likely to take action when complex activities are broken down into smaller tasks"
Why do we pay to use a product? Understanding mental models in UX | by Oz Hashimoto | Nov, 2020 | UX Collective
"We tend to follow the patterns of similar others in new or unfamiliar situations"
Why do we pay to use a product? Understanding mental models in UX | by Oz Hashimoto | Nov, 2020 | UX Collective
"We tend to develop a preference for things merely because we are familiar with them"
Why do we pay to use a product? Understanding mental models in UX | by Oz Hashimoto | Nov, 2020 | UX Collective
"We are engaged by situations in which we see our actions modify subsequent results"
Why do we pay to use a product? Understanding mental models in UX | by Oz Hashimoto | Nov, 2020 | UX Collective
"We hate losing or letting go of what we have (even if more could be had"
Why do we pay to use a product? Understanding mental models in UX | by Oz Hashimoto | Nov, 2020 | UX Collective

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