Pejman Nozad

Pejman Nozad


Pejman Nozad
Tech’s Most Unlikely Venture Capitalist
"I like founders who have a history with their idea. The best entrepreneurs aren’t just chasing interesting, “next big thing” ideas. They are very close to the problems they are solving and those problems tend to be specific."
Pejman Nozad
Tech’s Most Unlikely Venture Capitalist
"When someone truly understands the problem they are solving with great depth, they are less likely to burn out when the going gets tough, and are more likely to understand the structural issues in the market that have prevented others from solving the problem."
Pejman Nozad
Tech’s Most Unlikely Venture Capitalist
"The best companies set out to solve a smaller problem the founders have actually experienced and even obsess over. It’s that genuine connection to the problem that drives them to solve it, and beat the odds."
Pejman Nozad
Tech’s Most Unlikely Venture Capitalist
"being successful here does require a healthy dose of tenacity."
Pejman Nozad
Tech’s Most Unlikely Venture Capitalist
"One simple red flag for me is when co-founders have had just a short history working together. The founding teams I’ve seen succeed have experience problem solving together before launching their first start up."
Pejman Nozad
Tech’s Most Unlikely Venture Capitalist
"I look for founders who have a long-term vision instead of just a short-term goal."
Pejman Nozad
Tech’s Most Unlikely Venture Capitalist
"Founders shouldn’t bite off more than they can chew (see point 1) but they do need to look beyond the next big payday and think about what kind of future they want to build. That’s how real change happens."
Pejman Nozad
Tech’s Most Unlikely Venture Capitalist
"Being paranoid does not mean you have to be harsh or unkind. I look for people who put their company and their teams above themselves, and who are kind to others. I like founders with an unusual personal past."
Pejman Nozad
Tech’s Most Unlikely Venture Capitalist

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