Justine Moore

Justine Moore


"Psychology tells us that if you can get someone to buy into something, they’re much more likely to stick with it. It’s all about avoiding cognitive dissonance!"
Justine Moore
Why most online communities fail — and how to build a better one!
"4) Get your members to buy in."
Justine Moore
Why most online communities fail — and how to build a better one!
"remember that more people = more noise. Find a way to suss out who will be a positive contributor to the community — and who just wants to promote their content or tap into your audience for their own gain."
Justine Moore
Why most online communities fail — and how to build a better one!
"the most valuable communities are often curated groups of people who are active and engaged. A huge community with no activity (or worse, tons of spam) isn’t fun for anyone, and will lead to high churn."
Justine Moore
Why most online communities fail — and how to build a better one!
"there’s a “Dunbar’s number” for communities, and it’s probably 2 or 3. We don’t have the time or cognitive load to meaningfully engage with more than a couple of communities on an ongoing basis. And with thousands of online communities, you need a strong value prop to break through the noise!"
Justine Moore
Why most online communities fail — and how to build a better one!
"many of these are “zombie communities”: Slack or Discord groups with hundreds or thousands of people and no meaningful engagement."
Justine Moore
Why most online communities fail — and how to build a better one!
"Building a community is incredibly hard! You can’t just drop your audience into a digital space and expect a healthy community to form — it will quickly spiral out of control if you don’t actively manage it. And finding ways to spark meaningful discussions and connections is challenging."
Justine Moore
Why most online communities fail — and how to build a better one!
"How do you know if your audience needs a community? The best signal is when they start hacking it together without you."
Justine Moore
Why most online communities fail — and how to build a better one!
"2) Focus on quality, not quantity."
Justine Moore
Why most online communities fail — and how to build a better one!
"Joining a community can be overwhelming, particularly if it’s not clear how to introduce yourself and get involved. Every community leader I’ve talked to agrees that designing a thoughtful onboarding process is one of the most important things you do."
Justine Moore
Why most online communities fail — and how to build a better one!
"5) Find new ways to add value."
Justine Moore
Why most online communities fail — and how to build a better one!
"To engage and retain members, you need to both (1) add value on a daily basis, and (2) create “magical” moments that illustrate the value of the community and create an emotional connection"
Justine Moore
Why most online communities fail — and how to build a better one!
"Start by figuring out why people are coming to your community, and then find the best channel(s) to deliver this value."
Justine Moore
Why most online communities fail — and how to build a better one!
"we believe that today’s environment is an ideal launching ground for the next group of billion-dollar consumer companies: vertical social networks."
Justine Moore
The next $1B consumer startup will be a vertical social network — here’s why
"with growing fatigue around swiping and liking static content, many users are looking for more curated and meaningful connections and digital experiences based on their online and offline interests."
Justine Moore
The next $1B consumer startup will be a vertical social network — here’s why
"New social networks should enable users to share content that they can’t post elsewhere, which is where vertical-focused platforms can shine!"
Justine Moore
The next $1B consumer startup will be a vertical social network — here’s why
"Even if a platform isn’t the first or only place to post a certain type of content, it may win by providing the best tools."
Justine Moore
The next $1B consumer startup will be a vertical social network — here’s why
"Give them a way to enhance their status within their existing network."
Justine Moore
The next $1B consumer startup will be a vertical social network — here’s why
"Even for platforms that don’t target Gen Zers, the chance to build a following (either personally or professionally) is often a strong incentive to join a new network."
Justine Moore
The next $1B consumer startup will be a vertical social network — here’s why
"It holds all the important data related to your profile and interactions within the community. This encourages frequent engagement on the platform, and also makes it harder to churn."
Justine Moore
The next $1B consumer startup will be a vertical social network — here’s why
"New devices often expand the amount of time and the ways in which we can be “present” on social products, creating an opportunity for new networks."
Justine Moore
The next $1B consumer startup will be a vertical social network — here’s why
"New devices or step changes in functionality can also enable new types of content, which can be the launching point for a new social network. AR filters were arguably a big part of Snap’s success, especially as it expanded outside the initial user base of high school students."
Justine Moore
The next $1B consumer startup will be a vertical social network — here’s why
"YouTube has to serve all types of content, there is a significant opportunity to “unbundle” it by building products with killer features for specific categories"
Justine Moore
The next $1B consumer startup will be a vertical social network — here’s why
"Snapchat+ has strong start. One month ago, Snap launched Snapchat+ - a paid subscription to access features like seeing who rewatched a Story and “pinning” a BFF in your chats."
Justine Moore
🚀 Is IG now a TikTok clone?
"Early data now suggests that Snapchat+ brought in $5M in revenue in its first month. We’re not sure exactly how many people subscribed (a monthly subscription is $3.99/mo, but there are also six and 12-month plans), but it’s an interesting data point for social apps studying the viability of paid subscriptions."
Justine Moore
🚀 Is IG now a TikTok clone?
"Proactive - the IG team has strong conviction that the future of social media is short-form video, delivered algorithmically."
Justine Moore
🚀 Is IG now a TikTok clone?
"Reactive - IG is moving towards this new iteration because the old product has stopped working."
Justine Moore
🚀 Is IG now a TikTok clone?
"Making the Feed more crowded made it harder to see your friends’ content. As a result, your friends got less engagement on their posts, and may have stopped posting as frequently - which forced Instagram to rely on more algorithmic content to fill your Feed."
Justine Moore
🚀 Is IG now a TikTok clone?
"A competing theory is that Instagram is simply going out of style - and this would have happened with or without the algorithm."
Justine Moore
🚀 Is IG now a TikTok clone?
"AI art is “soulless.”"
Justine Moore
🚀 Is AI art ethical?
"The creator provides guidance around the content and style of the image, but isn’t actually creating it."
Justine Moore
🚀 Is AI art ethical?
"Proponents of this argument often say that what imbues meaning in art is the countless little decisions made by a human in the process of designing a piece - their emotions and motivation are critical."
Justine Moore
🚀 Is AI art ethical?
"AI art steals from “real” artists."
Justine Moore
🚀 Is AI art ethical?
"In this way, AI is democratizing access to art, and the result will be more art in the world and more people who can feel fulfilled as artists."
Justine Moore
🚀 Is AI art ethical?
"Even in the real world, artists play off of or imitate each others’ work."
Justine Moore
🚀 Is AI art ethical?
"High-end art, where the value comes from the identity of the artist and the provenance of the work as well as the piece itself, may be relatively insulated from any AI “threat”."
Justine Moore
🚀 Is AI art ethical?
"Will AI artists be able to build brands?"
Justine Moore
🚀 Is AI art ethical?
"Can AI art have a provenance?"
Justine Moore
🚀 Is AI art ethical?
"TikTok launched the pilot version of Resumes, a new feature that allows users to apply for jobs via “video resume.”"
Justine Moore
🚀 Will TikTok kill LinkedIn for Gen Z?
"Resumes takes advantage of Gen Z’s desire to be authentic in all aspects of life, including work."
Justine Moore
🚀 Will TikTok kill LinkedIn for Gen Z?
"Many of the TikTok resumes I’ve come across, like this one from an aspiring PM (& Cal student), are awesome - and much more dynamic than a paper resume. Videos allow a candidate to showcase energy and creativity that is hard to communicate in a cover letter."
Justine Moore
🚀 Will TikTok kill LinkedIn for Gen Z?
"Despite these benefits, I haven’t seen many people use the Resumes feature yet!"
Justine Moore
🚀 Will TikTok kill LinkedIn for Gen Z?
"First, while candidates submit a link to their resume video, employers can click to their profiles to see what else they’ve published. Do you want employers going through your TikTok?"
Justine Moore
🚀 Will TikTok kill LinkedIn for Gen Z?
"Making and editing a video resume may also be intimidating, especially for candidates who aren’t used to appearing on camera."
Justine Moore
🚀 Will TikTok kill LinkedIn for Gen Z?

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