Tomasz Tunguz

Tomasz Tunguz


"The treasury’s ownership is typically dictated by the equity cap table and distributed pro-rata across the equity cap table."
Tomasz Tunguz
The Two Cap Tables of Crypto Companies: What They Are and How They Relate to Each Other by @ttunguz
"First, the community allocation dominates the token cap table. The community tokens incentivize network participants (validators/stakers) to jumpstart network effects."
Tomasz Tunguz
The Two Cap Tables of Crypto Companies: What They Are and How They Relate to Each Other by @ttunguz
"Second, crypto cap tables contain a new element not found in classic equity cap tables: the treasury."
Tomasz Tunguz
The Two Cap Tables of Crypto Companies: What They Are and How They Relate to Each Other by @ttunguz
"The treasury captures tokens from the foundation’s efforts to participate in the community: running validators or stakers."
Tomasz Tunguz
The Two Cap Tables of Crypto Companies: What They Are and How They Relate to Each Other by @ttunguz
"Most deals are bespoke. Investor token ownership rights may take the form of a warrant in which equity investors have the right, but not the obligation, to purchase tokens at a discounted price to market in an early round."
Tomasz Tunguz
The Two Cap Tables of Crypto Companies: What They Are and How They Relate to Each Other by @ttunguz

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