Tiago Forte

Tiago Forte


"when it comes to our personal productivity, measurement has always been incredibly challenging. Knowledge work especially is extremely inconsistent from person to person, or even from one project to another."
Tiago Forte
The 4 Levels of Personal Knowledge Management - Forte Labs
"Every measure of quality in work output is so subjective, that the only meaningful evaluations tend to be performance reviews based on the opinions of the people we work with."
Tiago Forte
The 4 Levels of Personal Knowledge Management - Forte Labs
"4-stage process for knowledge management, known as CODE"
Tiago Forte
The 4 Levels of Personal Knowledge Management - Forte Labs
"Capture: Saving valuable information from the internet and the world around you Organize: Breaking that information into small chunks and preparing them for later use Distill: Extracting the pieces of knowledge most relevant to your current goals Express: Turning your knowledge into creative output that has an impact on others"
Tiago Forte
The 4 Levels of Personal Knowledge Management - Forte Labs
"Level 1: Storing Information"
Tiago Forte
The 4 Levels of Personal Knowledge Management - Forte Labs
"mostly for one-time, practical tasks like keeping a grocery list, notes from a meeting or phone call, or saving bookmarks from websites. You may even occasionally save notes from sources you consume"
Tiago Forte
The 4 Levels of Personal Knowledge Management - Forte Labs
"Level 2: Managing Knowledge"
Tiago Forte
The 4 Levels of Personal Knowledge Management - Forte Labs
"your notes begin to work as a thought partner, reminding you of things you’d completely forgotten and surfacing unexpected connections between ideas. The emphasis shifts from capturing more information, to putting to use the knowledge you already have."
Tiago Forte
The 4 Levels of Personal Knowledge Management - Forte Labs
"Level 3: Enabling Action"
Tiago Forte
The 4 Levels of Personal Knowledge Management - Forte Labs
"You become more discerning and selective about the information you consume, strongly preferring only the highest quality, most substantive sources that directly relate to the goals you are working toward."
Tiago Forte
The 4 Levels of Personal Knowledge Management - Forte Labs
"The benefits of your system extend beyond your personal goals and begin to impact the people around you. You make your most valuable knowledge available to others in concrete form, such as through a website, blog, social media feed, podcast, or product."
Tiago Forte
The 4 Levels of Personal Knowledge Management - Forte Labs
"Level 4: Personal Knowledge Mastery"
Tiago Forte
The 4 Levels of Personal Knowledge Management - Forte Labs
"Your knowledge works as a system greater than the sum of its parts, pulling in new material almost of its own will and effortlessly sorting and distilling it to support your long-term projects and goals. There is a constant output from your Second Brain into the external world"
Tiago Forte
The 4 Levels of Personal Knowledge Management - Forte Labs
"You know that you are not only accumulating a priceless store of intellectual capital, but an encyclopedia of tacit and experiential knowledge that is unique to you."
Tiago Forte
The 4 Levels of Personal Knowledge Management - Forte Labs
"Your notes track patterns in your thinking and learning over time, helping you understand your own evolution and direct it intentionally."
Tiago Forte
The 4 Levels of Personal Knowledge Management - Forte Labs
"P.A.R.A. stands for Projects — Areas — Resources — Archives, the four top-level categories that encompass every type of information you might encounter in your work and life."
Tiago Forte
The PARA Method: A Universal System for Organizing Digital Information - Forte Labs
"A project is “a series of tasks linked to a goal, with a deadline.”"
Tiago Forte
The PARA Method: A Universal System for Organizing Digital Information - Forte Labs
"An area of responsibility is “a sphere of activity with a standard to be maintained over time.”"
Tiago Forte
The PARA Method: A Universal System for Organizing Digital Information - Forte Labs
"A resource is “a topic or theme of ongoing interest.”"
Tiago Forte
The PARA Method: A Universal System for Organizing Digital Information - Forte Labs
"Archives include “inactive items from the other three categories.”"
Tiago Forte
The PARA Method: A Universal System for Organizing Digital Information - Forte Labs
"Knowledge work requires not only our time and effort, but also our engagement and creativity. For that reason, personal motivation is the prime problem that supersedes all other problems."
Tiago Forte
The PARA Method: A Universal System for Organizing Digital Information - Forte Labs
"your Project List will change nearly every week. This creates a rhythm and a momentum of project completion to maintain your motivation. It generates the constant novelty that the latest research suggests is essential for satisfaction."
Tiago Forte
The PARA Method: A Universal System for Organizing Digital Information - Forte Labs
"Projects require you to be laser-focused, to ruthlessly drive toward an outcome, to smash through or circumvent obstacles, to ignore distractions (i.e. people). Areas, on the other hand, require mindfulness, balance, flow, and human connection."
Tiago Forte
The PARA Method: A Universal System for Organizing Digital Information - Forte Labs
"a project without a corresponding goal is known as a “hobby.” If you’re not committed to or haven’t fully articulated the outcome you want, you must be doing it just for fun."
Tiago Forte
The PARA Method: A Universal System for Organizing Digital Information - Forte Labs
"if you have a goal without a corresponding project, that’s called a “dream.” You may desire it with all your heart and soul, but without an active project, you are not in fact currently making any progress."
Tiago Forte
The PARA Method: A Universal System for Organizing Digital Information - Forte Labs
"define your projects, or they will define you"
Tiago Forte
The PARA Method: A Universal System for Organizing Digital Information - Forte Labs
"P.A.R.A. gives you the best of both worlds: the consistency of centralization, with the adaptability of decentralization."
Tiago Forte
The PARA Method: A Universal System for Organizing Digital Information - Forte Labs
"The entire hierarchy is four categories wide (projects, areas, resources, archives), and no more than four levels deep"
Tiago Forte
The PARA Method: A Universal System for Organizing Digital Information - Forte Labs
"The number four has been called “magic” due to research indicating it seems to be the natural limit of all sorts of cognitive processes, from working memory to object-tracking to rapid enumeration."
Tiago Forte
The PARA Method: A Universal System for Organizing Digital Information - Forte Labs
"Reading is the closest thing we have to thinking another’s thoughts. It’s long and sometimes ponderous, but that work is required to wrap yourself in another person’s paradigm. Which is the first step in madly letting go of your own."
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"the ability to read is becoming a source of competitive advantage in the world"
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"What has become exceedingly scarce (and therefore, valuable) is the physical, emotional, attentional, and mental capability to sit quietly and direct focused attention for sustained periods of time"
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"Google found that increasing the number of results per page from 10 to 30 took only half a second longer, but caused 20% of people to drop off."
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"Getting Things Done cites the work of Dr. Roy Baumeister, who has shown that “uncompleted tasks take up room in the mind, which then limits clarity and focus.” The risk of cognitive dissonance at not being able to finish a long article (much less a book) keep us from even beginning it."
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"Actionable info ≠ Reference info ≠ To Read pile"
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"Task manager ≠ Evernote ≠ Pocket"
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"Procrastination is the most powerful force in the universe. It will find a way"
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"Instead of pushing a new piece of info through from intake to processing to consumption without any scrutiny, I’m creating a pool of options drawn from a longer time period, which allows me to make decisions from a higher perspective, where those decisions are much better aligned with what truly matters to me."
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"Highlight > Share > Share to Evernote > Save"
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"There’s another way to learn faster: assimilate and build on the ideas of others. Sure, you won’t understand every tacit lesson their experience gave them, but you can incorporate many of them, and in a fraction of the time it would take you to make every mistake yourself."
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"Ideas are high leverage agents. They become more so when arranged in highly cross-referenced networks. The only tool we have available that is capable of both creating and accessing these networks on demand is the human brain."
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"the two that Read It Later apps can help with: Increasing consumption of long-form content (which is presumably more substantive) Better filtering"
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"What has become exceedingly scarce (and therefore, valuable) is the physical, emotional, attentional, and mental capability to sit quietly and direct focused attention for sustained periods of time."
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"The quality of a workflow’s outputs is fundamentally limited by the quality of its inputs. Garbage in, garbage out."
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"Using your friends as your primary filter for new ideas ensures you remain the dumbest person in the room, and contribute nothing to the conversation."
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"This is one of the least understood barriers to reading in our fragmented timescape."
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"There is something deeply, deeply unsatisfying about repeatedly starting something and not finishing it."
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"“uncompleted tasks take up room in the mind, which then limits clarity and focus.”"
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"The risk of cognitive dissonance at not being able to finish a long article (much less a book) keep us from even beginning it."
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"Read It Later apps address this by simply saving your progress in a given article, allowing you to pick back up at a different time, or on a different device, and clearly marking items as “read” once you’re finished."
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"It is a question of focus. Why don’t you use your task manager to keep track of content (i.e. “Read this article”)? Because the last thing you want to see when you cuddle up with your hot cocoa for some light reading is the hundreds of tasks you’re not doing."
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"Procrastination is the most powerful force in the universe. It will find a way."
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"I have a different approach: waiting periods. Every time I come across something I may want to read/watch, I’m totally allowed to."
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"The only requirement is I have to save it to Pocket, and then choose to consume it at a later time."
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"Bringing this back to filtering, not only am I saving time and preserving focus by batch processing both the collection and the consumption of new content, I’m time-shifting the curation process to a time better suited for reading, and (most critically) removed from the temptations, stresses, and biopsychosocial hooks that first lured me in."
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"What I’m essentially doing is creating a buffer."
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"Every productivity tool eventually becomes a victim of its own success. In this case, I’ve become so dependent on Pocket that bugs really affect me."
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"As the inimitable Venkatesh Rao has written, we’re moving from a world of containers (companies, departments, semesters, packages, silos) to a world of streams (social networks, info feeds, main streets of thriving cities, Twitter). Problems and opportunities alike resist having neat little boxes drawn around them. There’s way too much to absorb. Way too much to even guess what you don’t know."
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"the first step he proposes is “exposing yourself to as many different diverse streams as possible.”"
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"When you’re immersed in a stream, the faster it goes, the more novel perspectives and ideas you’re exposed to."
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"There’s another way to learn faster: assimilate and build on the ideas of others."
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"Sure, you won’t understand every tacit lesson their experience gave them, but you can incorporate many of them, and in a fraction of the time it would take you to make every mistake yourself."
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"Surely there is no power, no control, no understanding, not even a reason for being, much less acting, in the notion or experience that there is no certainty in any worldview. But, in fact, everyone who has managed to entertain that idea, for a moment or for a lifetime, has found it to be the basis for radical empowerment. If no paradigm is right, you can choose whatever one will help to achieve your purpose."
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"In the end, it seems that mastery has less to do with pushing leverage points than it does with strategically, profoundly, madly letting go."
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs
"The amazing thing about ideas is that it takes zero time for one to change your paradigm. It happens in time, but takes no time, like an inter-dimensional wormhole, one entangled particle in your brain mirroring its twin across a chasm even more vast than the universe — the chasm between two minds."
Tiago Forte
The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps - Forte Labs

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