Olivia Moore

Olivia Moore


"While Canva technically “launched” in fall 2013, it wasn’t immediately available to everyone. Instead, users were asked to reserve a username and join a waitlist - which grew to 50k people before the official public debut."
Olivia Moore
Canva's Five Year Journey to Launch
"Canva generated buzz within the design community and adjacent groups needing design help."
Olivia Moore
Canva's Five Year Journey to Launch
"reached out to blogs, podcasts, and conferences to offer “early access” to their audiences (and get them to publish reviews!)."
Olivia Moore
Canva's Five Year Journey to Launch
"“The whole point was that we took all these complex things and made them simple...that took a lot longer than a weekend."""
Olivia Moore
Canva's Five Year Journey to Launch
"To boost confidence, new users went through a “how-to” guide before entering the product."
Olivia Moore
Canva's Five Year Journey to Launch
"The Canva team also built starter challenges, like changing the color of a circle or adding a hat to a monkey - which helped users get acclimated to the platform."
Olivia Moore
Canva's Five Year Journey to Launch
"The Facebook templates spurred referrals, as users invited their colleagues to collaborate on designs. And when they posted a slick Canva graphic on Facebook, others would ask how they made it."
Olivia Moore
Canva's Five Year Journey to Launch
"For the company’s first holiday season, Canva worked with artists to create 30+ templates for beautiful digital cards. Most were distributed via Facebook and email, which again funneled users back to Canva."
Olivia Moore
Canva's Five Year Journey to Launch

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