Alexis Ohanian

Alexis Ohanian

Alexis Kerry Ohanian is an American Internet entrepreneur and investor. He is best known as the co-founder and executive chairman of the social news website Reddit along with Steve Huffman.


"The social-media landscape changes incredibly fast, so you have to be open-minded and nimble to keep up with it."
Alexis Ohanian
"It takes discipline not to let social media steal your time."
Alexis Ohanian
"No, everyone has great ideas, but what makes a difference, especially online, or just in life, is actually doing it; getting that first version out there."
Alexis Ohanian
"It’s a lot easier to convince uninformed people than it is to convince politicians."
Alexis Ohanian
"Net neutrality is one where we the people are definitely on the ropes."
Alexis Ohanian
"It turns out the Internet is this amazing resource for everyone who has access to it."
Alexis Ohanian
"If you want to succeed, you’ve got to be okay to just lose control."
Alexis Ohanian
"The reality is, there’s still so much we haven’t yet figured out. There’s still so much stuff that has not been made more, frankly, efficient."
Alexis Ohanian
"I can’t begrudge anyone who opts to get a job instead of creating one for themselves."
Alexis Ohanian
"Even if you have no interest in starting a company, having the experience of having ideas and doing them, that’s muscle to exercise because that’s what people are going to want to see. That’s what makes you different."
Alexis Ohanian
"We don’t even realize something is broken until someone else shows us a better way."
Alexis Ohanian
"I think everyone should learn how to code."
Alexis Ohanian
"What one realizes there is that we are not in control of the [Reddit] community, in any way, shape, or form. We have no power over it and so we’ve lost this total control."
Alexis Ohanian
"Can we imagine the United States without electricity? No, that would be pretty hard. Likewise, we can’t really imagine being without an open Internet. The cost would be so grave, so serious."
Alexis Ohanian
"Everything is derivative. Everything is a remix, and we all stand on the shoulders of giants – a great phrase."
Alexis Ohanian
"Let’s say you’re all worried about student loan debt and you need to have steady income. That doesn’t have to be your everything."
Alexis Ohanian
"There is a much bigger issue with student loan rates, the cost of tuition; those are some huge problems that need to be resolved."
Alexis Ohanian
"I actually haven’t even found a curriculum in America that is really preparing people for this 21st-century world."
Alexis Ohanian
"The problem is these politicians have very, very big interests in being re-elected, and the money that gets them there is provided by people who don’t necessarily have the interest of the public in mind."
Alexis Ohanian
"The great thing about the Internet is, it’s the freest marketplace of ideas that there is."
Alexis Ohanian
"Having ideas and doing them – that’s what entrepreneurship comes down to. That’s something that makes you not just a great founder who I want to invest in, but also a great employee or someone I want to work with."
Alexis Ohanian
"Reality, Stuff, Made save quote report"
Alexis Ohanian
"The people who are going to be succeeding are not going to be waiting around for anyone’s permission."
Alexis Ohanian
"Not everyone is going to end up being a founder of a company, but the skill of being entrepreneurial, having ideas, and going through with them – that skill is so important."
Alexis Ohanian
"Nothing will replace good journalism."
Alexis Ohanian
"If I didn’t believe in rooting for founders and investing in founders, I’d be a bit of a hypocrite."
Alexis Ohanian
"Being effective at social media, whether for business or personal use, means capturing people who have short attention spans."
Alexis Ohanian
"I want to be in an industry where the upstarts can grow and displace the incumbents because that’s why there’s so much innovation."
Alexis Ohanian
"The weird thing about Reddit is that for a community its size – now I’m no longer at Reddit, but the public traffic numbers that they put out are, I think with the site about eight million unique visitors a month, or every 30 days, which is a fairly big site."
Alexis Ohanian
"You can throw – and we’ve seen plenty of these kinds of companies – millions of dollars in advertising for a website or a service, and in the end if it’s not useful no one’s going to use it."
Alexis Ohanian

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