Eurie Kim

Eurie Kim


"Post-Covid, individuals have stronger voices than ever. They are demanding products and experiences that reflect their unique identities and values."
Eurie Kim
Finding “Product-Human Need Fit” in the Post-Covid Era
"The next generation of innovation must extend not just to those with access, privilege, and power, but to those whose basic needs have been overlooked for too long."
Eurie Kim
Finding “Product-Human Need Fit” in the Post-Covid Era
"while the impact of the pandemic was felt by all, under-represented communities bore an undue proportion of the pain."
Eurie Kim
Finding “Product-Human Need Fit” in the Post-Covid Era
"As the world changes, people adjust, and needs evolve. New opportunities come to life."
Eurie Kim
Finding “Product-Human Need Fit” in the Post-Covid Era
"digging into the human motivation behind the consumers these companies serve, I would argue that ""product-market fit"" should really be called ""product-human need fit."
Eurie Kim
Finding “Product-Human Need Fit” in the Post-Covid Era
"Covid’s far-reaching impact brought about a different storm altogether: We saw a rare time in modern history when people were universally forced to descend to the most primal levels of the pyramid, no matter what stage they may have attained before."
Eurie Kim
Finding “Product-Human Need Fit” in the Post-Covid Era
"Black Lives Matter, Stop AAPI Violence, Transgender Rights. These and other social and political movements have added to an already unsustainable level of deprivation of basic human needs for many people."
Eurie Kim
Finding “Product-Human Need Fit” in the Post-Covid Era
"Our constant ambition for more efficiency, performance, and achievement is impressive, but has blinded us to the fact that we can’t advance humankind if part of our community is struggling to meet basic human needs."
Eurie Kim
Finding “Product-Human Need Fit” in the Post-Covid Era

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