Those who DENY Al-Qadar (the Divine decree) - Abdur Raheem McCarthy | Summary and Q&A

December 20, 2021
Digital Mimbar
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Those who DENY Al-Qadar (the Divine decree) - Abdur Raheem McCarthy


Belief in Qadar is crucial in Islam, as Allah knows all and determines outcomes, despite human uncertainty.

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Key Insights

  • 🎮 Belief in Qadar is integral to proper Islamic faith, emphasizing trust in Allah's knowledge and control.
  • ⁉️ Shaytan may deceive by questioning the necessity of action when outcomes are predetermined by Allah.
  • 👋 Accepting both good and bad outcomes as part of Allah's decree is essential in understanding Qadar.
  • 🛟 Belief in Qadar influences a Muslim's perspective on life, fostering acceptance of life's uncertainties.
  • 🛟 Striving in life is obligatory for Muslims, even though the outcomes are known only to Allah.
  • 👋 Everything, both good and bad, is created by Allah, highlighting His ultimate authority.
  • 😇 The concept of Qadar is linked to other fundamental beliefs in Islam, such as belief in Allah, angels, books, messengers, and the Last Day.


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Questions & Answers

Q: Why is belief in Qadar important in Islam?

Belief in Qadar is vital as it reflects trust in Allah's knowledge and control over all outcomes, guiding human actions and decisions.

Q: How can Shaytan deceive regarding belief in Qadar?

Shaytan may deceive by questioning the need for action when outcomes are predestined, leading to confusion and lack of effort on the believer's part.

Q: What does belief in Qadar entail?

Belief in Qadar involves accepting that Allah knows everything, has written all outcomes, and controls all events, including both good and bad occurrences.

Q: How does belief in Qadar impact a Muslim's perspective on life?

Belief in Qadar influences a Muslim's mindset by instilling trust in Allah's wisdom and plan, leading to acceptance of life's challenges and blessings.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Belief in Qadar is part of proper Islamic faith, involving trust in Allah's knowledge.

  • Shaytan may deceive by questioning the necessity of action when outcomes are already ordained by Allah.

  • Everything is created by Allah, and belief in Qadar encompasses acceptance of both good and bad outcomes.

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