CA v. Robert Durst Murder Trial Day 32 - Testimony Of Max Courtney Galveston Forensic Scientist | Summary and Q&A

July 26, 2021
Law&Crime Network
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CA v. Robert Durst Murder Trial Day 32 - Testimony Of Max Courtney Galveston Forensic Scientist


Expert analyzes blood spatter pattern from a crime scene as consistent with gunshot.

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Key Insights

  • 🩸 Tom Bevel analyzes blood spatter patterns to determine the presence of a void pattern, indicating any obstruction between the blood source and the surface.
  • 😒 The expert uses the size, shape, and direction of blood spatter to identify the source's location within the crime scene.
  • 🧑‍🏭 Consistency with gunshot impact is a crucial factor in determining the nature of blood spatter patterns in forensic analysis.


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Questions & Answers

Q: How does Tom Bevel analyze blood spatter patterns in a crime scene?

Tom Bevel assesses the size, shape, distribution, and direction of blood spatter for evidence of gunshot impact, determining the source and distance from the wall.

Q: What does the absence of a void pattern indicate in a blood spatter analysis?

A void pattern absence suggests that there was no body or object obstructing the blood source, affirming an uninterrupted trajectory of the blood spatter.

Q: How does Tom Bevel pinpoint the general area of the blood source in crime scene analysis?

By drawing lines along the elongated stains, such as numbers two and nine, he establishes a vertical axis to determine the area directly outward from the spatter towards the floor.

Q: Why is it important to assess the direction and location of the blood source in a crime scene analysis?

Evaluating the blood source helps reconstruct the events of the crime, providing insight into the positioning of the victim relative to the impact and origin of the blood spatter.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Tom Bevel, a forensic expert, analyzes blood spatter patterns on wall board and frame from a crime scene.

  • Concludes blood spatter consistent with gunshot wound, identifies source of blood 18 inches or less from the wall.

  • Examines patterns to determine direction, location, and nature of blood source.

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