The emigration of educated youth and scientific competencies | Muthanna Ahmad | TEDxAlQassaa

August 1, 2023
TEDx Talks
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The emigration of educated youth and scientific competencies | Muthanna Ahmad | TEDxAlQassaa


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About the Video

هجرة الشباب المتعلّمين والكفاءات العلميّة | د. مثنّى أحمد | تيداكس القصّاع

English version below

يركّز الخطاب على مصطلح الهجرة، بما يتضمّن فوائد الهجرة، الصعوبات، التحدّيات، النجاحات، بالإضافة إلى خبرات شخصيّة تتعلّق بالهجرة.

The emigration of educated youth and scientific competencies | Dr. Muthanna Ahmad | TEDxAlQassaa

The concept of migration, including its benefits, difficulties, challenges, successes, and personal experiences. - He holds a PhD in Physics from Pierre and Marie Curie University in France in 2002.

  • Works as a researcher.

  • Participant of many local and international scientific conferences.

  • Publisher of many specialized scientific articles in international peer-reviewed journals. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independent...

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