Charlie Munger about renewable energies and global warming (DJCO 2022) | Summary and Q&A

February 19, 2022
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Charlie Munger about renewable energies and global warming (DJCO 2022)


It is important to conserve petroleum as a national treasure and invest in efficient renewable energy, although the impact of global warming may be overstated.

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Key Insights

  • 🫨 Conserving petroleum is seen as important, akin to preserving valuable natural resources.
  • 💨 The interviewee supports increasing investment in renewable energy, particularly solar and wind.
  • 💚 The cancellation of the Keystone pipeline and drilling limitations are viewed as concessions to green progressives.


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Questions & Answers

Q: Do you still believe in keeping oil and gas production domestic and letting other countries deplete their supplies?

Yes, the interviewee still holds the belief that conserving petroleum by keeping production domestic is important in order to protect it as a national treasure. This also allows for the petroleum's valuable chemical uses in areas such as fertilizers and chemistry.

Q: What is your opinion on President Biden's actions regarding oil and gas energy production in the USA?

The interviewee sees President Biden's actions, such as canceling the Keystone pipeline and curtailing drilling on Bureau of Land Management lands, as concessions to the green progressives. They support the government's encouragement of solar and wind energy, but only if the global warming problem is significant.

Q: Will there ever be a stable supply of renewable energy considering the issues with wind power in Europe?

The interviewee acknowledges the issues with wind power in Europe but believes that with modern technology, solar and wind energy has become efficient and competitive. They are in favor of investing in renewable energy to conserve petroleum, but express doubt about the severity of global warming.

Q: Is there enough renewable energy capacity to offset the use of coal and petroleum for electricity generation?

The interviewee believes there is a huge potential for renewable energy from solar and wind with modern technology. They encourage the utilization of renewable energy sources due to their efficiency. However, they express skepticism about the severity of global warming and emphasize the importance of conserving petroleum for its valuable chemical uses.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The interviewee believes in conserving petroleum and not depleting it rapidly, comparing it to the valuable topsoil of Iowa and considering it a national treasure.

  • Despite favoring renewable energy sources such as solar and wind, the interviewee expresses skepticism about the severity of global warming.

  • The cancellation of the Keystone pipeline and limitations on drilling on Bureau of Land Management lands are seen as concessions to green progressives by the interviewee.

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