Witness a humpback whale birth caught on camera in Hawaii | National Geographic | Summary and Q&A

November 17, 2023
National Geographic
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Witness a humpback whale birth caught on camera in Hawaii | National Geographic


A female humpback whale escapes the cold waters of Alaska to give birth in the predator-free waters of Hawaii, where she is protected by male whales and delivers a newborn calf.

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Key Insights

  • 🥳 Female humpback whales travel long distances to find safe places to give birth.
  • 🕵️‍♀️ Male humpback whales engage in aggressive behavior during heat runs to mate with females.
  • 😚 Humpback whale births are rarely witnessed and observed up close.
  • 🕵️‍♂️ Male humpback whales can change their behavior from aggressive pursuit to protective guardianship.
  • 👶 Humpback whale mothers give their newborn calves a gentle nudge towards the surface for their first breath.
  • 🥶 The waters of Hawaii provide a predator-free sanctuary for humpback whales.
  • 😋 Humpback whale calves have to learn survival skills quickly due to the lack of food in Hawaii.


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Questions & Answers

Q: Why did the female humpback whale travel thousands of miles to Hawaii?

The female humpback whale traveled to Hawaii to find sanctuary in the predator-free waters and escape the cold stormy seas of Alaska during the pregnancy.

Q: What do the male humpback whales do during the chase?

During the chase, the male humpback whales try to mate with the female, showing aggressive behavior and engaging in heat runs to establish dominance.

Q: Why do the male humpback whales suddenly become protectors?

The male humpback whales become protectors when the female is about to give birth. They create a protective screen of bubbles to shield her from other predators, allowing her a moment of privacy to give birth.

Q: How do humpback whale calves learn to survive?

Humpback whale calves have to learn to live life on the move quickly, as there is almost nothing to eat in the waters of Hawaii. They learn survival skills from their mothers and adapt to a nomadic lifestyle, constantly searching for food.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • A female humpback whale travels 3,000 miles to find sanctuary in the waters of Hawaii.

  • Male humpback whales chase and pursue the exhausted female, but suddenly become her protectors when she is about to give birth.

  • The female humpback whale gives birth to a baby calf, and together they take their first breath in the ocean.

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