PLAN and RESEARCH a 2,000 word essay with me at university (how to write first-class essays) | Summary and Q&A

November 28, 2019
Jack Edwards
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PLAN and RESEARCH a 2,000 word essay with me at university (how to write first-class essays)


Learn how to plan and conduct research for an essay with step-by-step guidance and tips from an experienced university student.

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Key Insights

  • 👨‍🔬 Planning and researching for an essay can significantly improve its quality and success.
  • ✍️ Having a clear focus, such as a specific book or topic, helps guide the essay writing process.
  • 👨‍🔬 Using research logs and color coding can help keep track of sources and organize research effectively.
  • 🥺 Checking references and bibliographies can lead to additional valuable research.
  • ✍️ Creating a plan with paragraph headings and organized research makes the writing process more efficient.
  • 😃 Taking breaks and reading the essay with fresh eyes helps ensure coherence and clarity.
  • 🔈 Following this method, the speaker went from lower grades to achieving top grades in their essays.


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Questions & Answers

Q: How should I choose an essay question?

It is beneficial to have one or two topics or books in mind that you want to focus on. This helps you think about different questions in the context of those topics and shows how the book relates to each question.

Q: What is the purpose of an essay research log?

An essay research log helps you keep track of your sources, quotes, page numbers, and publishing information. It also allows you to make additional notes or analysis for each source, creating a comprehensive overview of your research.

Q: How can I find research for my essay?

Utilize resources like your university library's archives, online platforms like Google Scholar and JSTOR, and search keywords related to your essay's topic. Check references and bibliographies for additional articles that may be related to your research.

Q: How can I streamline the writing process for my essay?

After completing your research log, read through it with a colored pen to make notes and identify themes for your essay. Create a plan with paragraph headings and color code relevant quotes under each heading. By doing this, you will have organized research for each theme, making the writing process smoother.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video discusses the process of planning and researching for an essay, specifically focusing on choosing a question, conducting research, and organizing the findings.

  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of having a clear focus, such as a specific book or topic, when searching for a question and conducting research.

  • The speaker shares their method of using research logs to keep track of sources, quotes, and analysis, and suggests color coding and creating a plan to streamline the writing process.

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