Why Consistency Matters, Breakaway Tips, Tight Hips, and More – Ask a Cycling Coach 362 | Summary and Q&A

May 5, 2022
The Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast
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Why Consistency Matters, Breakaway Tips, Tight Hips, and More – Ask a Cycling Coach 362


A cyclist with a strong aerobic engine and short threshold efforts is struggling to win in higher grade fields due to the different dynamics and tactics. The momentum tactic used in lower categories is not effective against more experienced riders who work as a team to control the race.

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Key Insights

  • ✋ Understanding the tactics and dynamics in higher grade fields is crucial for success.
  • ⏳ Timing attacks and working strategically within a breakaway are key elements in winning races in higher grade fields.
  • ✊ Developing sprinting skills alongside maintaining threshold power can increase the chances of success in breakaways.
  • 🐎 Observing and learning from experienced riders can provide valuable insights into effective race strategies and dynamics.


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Questions & Answers

Q: Why is the momentum tactic not working in higher grade fields?

In higher grade fields, riders are more experienced and work together as a team to control the race. They are not easily discouraged from following attacks, making it harder for an individual rider to break away.

Q: Why do some riders pull at the front instead of strategically positioning their efforts?

Some riders may pull at the front to control the race or to ensure they are in a good position for the finish. The dynamics within the field and individual tactics can vary, so it's important to observe and learn from the experienced riders to understand their motivations and strategies.

Q: What are the key elements to focus on to leverage strengths and start winning in higher grade fields?

Developing sprinting skills alongside maintaining threshold power is crucial. Timing attacks when the field is tired and making sure to attack when there are physical barriers or advantageous situations can increase the chance of success.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The cyclist breezed through lower grade fields due to a significant power advantage but is struggling to win in higher grade fields.

  • The momentum tactic used in lower categories is not effective against stronger riders who work as a team.

  • The composition of the breakaway and tactical positioning are crucial in higher grade fields.

  • To have a chance at winning, the cyclist should focus on developing sprinting skills alongside maintaining their threshold power.

  • Timing and choosing the right moment to attack or join a breakaway are key factors in winning races in higher grade fields.

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