Why open a school? To close a prison | Nadia Lopez | Summary and Q&A

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Why open a school? To close a prison | Nadia Lopez


The speaker shares the challenges and successes of opening Mott Hall Bridges Academy in a disadvantaged neighborhood, highlighting the power of education.

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Key Insights

  • 💪 Opening a school in an underserved and violent neighborhood was an audacious goal, but it aimed to provide a better future for children who faced numerous challenges.
  • 💡 The school faced challenges such as finding teachers who could empathize with the complexities of a disadvantaged community, lack of technology funding, low parental involvement, and neighborhood gang recruitment.
  • 📚 The school prioritized education as the pathway to success and aimed to expose students to a landscape of opportunity beyond their neighborhood.
  • 🎓 Despite the initial challenges, the school achieved a 98-percent graduation rate, sending nearly 200 children to competitive high schools in New York City.
  • 🌍 The story of one student went viral, raising 1.4 million dollars for field trips, Summer STEAM programs, and college scholarships, proving the power of education to inspire and uplift underprivileged children.
  • 👥 The revolution in education is driven by educators who provide love, structure, support, and knowledge to inspire children, going beyond the call of duty to ensure students' success.
  • 💼 The principal plays a crucial role by inspecting what is expected and supporting teachers by providing feedback and personal accessibility, showing dedication to the success of the school and its students.
  • 🌟 The future and success of tomorrow's generation lie in our classrooms, emphasizing the collective responsibility to believe in their brilliance and teach them the power of education.


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Questions & Answers

Q: What were some of the challenges faced by Mott Hall Bridges Academy when it first opened?

Some of the challenges faced by Mott Hall Bridges Academy when it first opened include finding teachers who could empathize with the complexities of a disadvantaged community, lack of funding for technology, low parental involvement, and neighborhood gangs recruiting children as early as fourth grade.

Q: What were the initial academic statistics of the students at Mott Hall Bridges Academy?

The majority of students at Mott Hall Bridges Academy were below grade level in English and math, with 30% of them having special needs. Additionally, all of the students were living below the poverty level.

Q: How successful has Mott Hall Bridges Academy been in terms of graduation rates?

Mott Hall Bridges Academy has achieved a 98% graduation rate, with three graduating classes to date. Nearly 200 children from the school are now attending some of the most competitive high schools in New York City.

Q: How did a post on "Humans of New York" impact Mott Hall Bridges Academy?

A post on "Humans of New York" featuring a scholar from Mott Hall Bridges Academy created a global sensation. The post touched the lives of millions and resulted in 1.4 million dollars being raised for the scholars. This funding supported field trips, summer programs, and college scholarships.

Q: What are some of the efforts made by educators at Mott Hall Bridges Academy to provide quality education to their students?

Educators at Mott Hall Bridges Academy collaborate as a team to determine the best curriculum. They go above and beyond by dedicating their personal time and resources to provide additional support to students. The principal also conducts classroom observations and provides feedback to ensure the success of the teachers and the school as a whole.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Mott Hall Bridges Academy was opened in an underserved and violent neighborhood in Brooklyn with the goal of providing education and opportunity to students.

  • The academy faced numerous challenges, including finding teachers who understand the complexities of the community, lack of funding for technology, low parental involvement, and the influence of neighborhood gangs.

  • Despite these challenges, the academy has achieved a 98% graduation rate and has helped students realize their potential and opportunities beyond their neighborhood through programs and scholarships.

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