In search for the man who broke my neck | Joshua Prager | Summary and Q&A

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In search for the man who broke my neck | Joshua Prager


This is the story of a man named Joseph Geni who seeks to find the man who broke his neck and changed his life.

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Key Insights

  • 💔 The crash in Jerusalem changed the speaker's life forever, leaving him a quadriplegic and eventually a hemiplegic. He seeks closure by finding the man, Abed, who caused the accident.
  • 💪 The speaker finds strength in his disability, using it as a catalyst for personal growth and a platform for writing compelling stories.
  • ❓ The speaker questions the impact of the crash on his identity and wonders how his life would have turned out differently if it hadn't occurred.
  • 💬 The speaker's encounter with Abed reveals that Abed feels no remorse for the crash and has constructed a narrative that absolves him of blame.
  • 🌍 The speaker emphasizes the importance of rising above adversity and finding joy in life, regardless of one's circumstances.
  • 🛣️ The crash serves as a catalyst for the speaker's journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance.
  • 💭 The speaker reflects on the concept of contrast, recognizing that the absence of certain experiences or abilities allows for a deeper appreciation of what one does have.
  • ⚖️ Despite seeking an apology from Abed, the speaker ultimately realizes that he can find closure and peace within himself, regardless of Abed's lack of remorse.


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Questions & Answers

Q: What happened to the speaker in the crash?

The speaker's neck was broken and he became a quadriplegic as a result of the crash.

Q: How did the speaker feel when he first read Abed's testimony?

The speaker felt anger towards Abed when he first read Abed's testimony about the crash.

Q: Did the speaker ever meet Abed?

Yes, the speaker eventually found and met Abed.

Q: Did Abed feel remorse for causing the speaker's injury?

No, Abed did not show any remorse for causing the speaker's injury.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The speaker rented a car in Jerusalem to find a man named Abed who broke his neck 21 years ago. He wanted to hear Abed say "I'm sorry."

  • The speaker had grown and regained some abilities after the accident, but still faced challenges and wanted closure.

  • After finally meeting Abed, the speaker realized Abed would never apologize and had twisted the reality of the crash to protect himself.

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