How Do You Let Go Of Your Lower Addictive Nature? (Non Duality) | Summary and Q&A

Spiritual awakening doesn't eliminate addictions or attachments, but rather changes our relationship with them.
Key Insights
- 💱 Awakening doesn't eliminate addictions and attachments but changes our relationship with them.
- 📽️ Disassociating from the body or projecting an idealized concept of awakening onto oneself is an unhelpful approach.
- ❓ Awakened beings can still have addictions and attachments, but they approach them with acceptance and surrender.
- 👻 Transcending addictions requires a balance between effort and allowing grace to work.
- 🤳 It's essential to be mindful of our own addictions and attachments without judgment or self-criticism.
- 👾 Addictions and attachments are part of the karmic game and should not be judged based on preconceived notions of awakening.
- 🥡 Addictions and attachments can be transcended, but it takes time, patience, and guidance from consciousness.
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Questions & Answers
Q: Does spiritual awakening completely eliminate addictions and attachments?
No, awakening changes our relationship with addictions and attachments, reducing their intensity, but doesn't eradicate them entirely.
Q: Why do some spiritual aspirants disassociate from their bodies?
Some spiritual seekers disassociate from their bodies to avoid negative experiences and believe it signifies a higher level of awakening, but it's a misguided approach.
Q: Are there awakened beings who still have addictions?
Yes, awakened beings can also have addictions and attachments, such as smoking or food. However, they approach them with acceptance and surrender.
Q: Can addictions and attachments be transcended through willpower alone?
No, addictions and attachments cannot be overcome solely through willpower. Grace, motivation, and surrender play crucial roles in overcoming them.
Summary & Key Takeaways
Awakening does not eliminate addictive behaviors or attachments, but it reduces their intensity as we realize our true nature.
Some spiritual aspirants either project an idealized concept of awakening onto themselves or disassociate from their bodies to avoid negative experiences.
Even awakened beings can have their own addictions and attachments, such as smoking or food, but they approach them with acceptance and surrender.
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